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RE: Wednesday Walk recent walks

in Photography Lovers2 years ago

You consistently find the beauty that surrounds you, even in conditions I find difficult at times to do so. It is so easy to find it in the spring or in the fall when the color is vibrant.

You still know how to make that magic in the dead of winter.

I always hated to be the first person on the ice to see if it was safe!

Hi, JJ!


Hi Denise and thank for your visit ;)

and as always you are so kind, but yes I do try and find beauty any time and any place, strugging to get out for many walks but when I can I do enjoy them

I have e great connection!!! I never thought I would have to say that!

I struggle with the winter when it is in that in-between stage of almost spring, but not so pretty as winter is thinking of going out the door.

Soon, we will both be taking the flowering bulbs!

I do wonder if not having a good connection at times was a good thing forcing you to get offline relax and enjoy the vacation :)

I have seen others sharing photos of snow drops and crocus which is normally a good sign of spring, but I havent seen any yet and for the next week or so its cooling down here so I will have to wait a bit