The Next generation and the vision for mankind.

How can we grow the church and God's kingdom when our own children are increasingly loosing interest in the God and church of their parents including the ones who are ministers.

Your today is your seed for your tomorrow, don't give up that good which you are doing, give your best

consistently even when the authority above you or those around you don't appreciate it,

keep on doing good. Mighty Results will show forth in your works (Titus 2:7-8)

Any Denomination that does not take serious, the issue of the mass exodus of her children...has no future!

Who you are today can determine what you can become tomorrow.

The most critical determinant of your destiny is not your smartness, your eloquence, your money, your anointing, or your family tie, but your character.

Be deliberate about what comes out of your life (what is conceived secretly in your heart),

so you don't end up disastrously and limited like the biblical Reuben

The standard MUST not be tampered with, but the methods should be reviewed constantly as generation comes.


The girl in the black hat has an interesting hairstyle.

Thankful, indeed yes