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RE: Sublime and Beautiful Sunday A foggy morning walk

oh... whew. hehehehe
I thought i unfollowed you by accident hahahaha - but it was because i changed accounts and the page hadn't updated

never ever let me unfollow you without you running to my dm and telling me i'm a bad person for unfollowing you hahahahahahahaahahahahahahaha

I hope you're having a wonderful Sunday JJ its still dark here - like. dark dark dark. darker than i've ever seen hehhe

it's like there is no moon - and not even a hint of a sun on the horizon... kinda wild and spooky hehehehe

sending you a huge hug!!


its cold here today real cold I went out to the pharmacy and Brrrr it was like 4F no photo walk today I usually make a point of getting a photo walk in this day each year, but no way this year

Its just short of a full moon, dang I am going to be in werewolf mode LOL

Hugs back at you

Hahahahaha is it just short of a full moon???? Then where the heck was it this morning! Hahaha maybe it had already had moonset lol

Cuz it was pitch black!

Ohhhh werewolf time. I love it. Hehehe I'll be on the lookout! Lolol

Lol it’s full moon tomorrow but will be rainy here so I won’t be out looking for it