Secret picture from the man’s room at BuzzParty 2024

in Photography Lovers6 months ago

The hidden pics

We had the so much fun this day at the heart of Hamburg alternative scene stout the well know „rote Flora“ or with English words the „red flora“.


Hey Hive Family
let us travel the world again
and collect great pictures

Cool stickers

Have a look and let me know your favorite message from one of this stickers.

This one is sticket to the dryer for the hands.


A collection from the door

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Haus 73

All this pic's are made at Haus 73 in Hamburg where we had our Hive Event with the name #HiveParty2024 made by @tibfox the host of this event


Facts about Haus 73

Haus 73 in Hamburg is a cultural hub located in the heart of the Schanzenviertel, offering a diverse range of cultural activities across several floors. From concerts and parties to theater performances and movie screenings, as well as jam sessions, there's something for everyone. It's particularly known for its craft beer offerings at the "Galopper des Jahres," where guests can enjoy beers beyond industrial mass production in a relaxed atmosphere.

The venue is versatile: "Kleine Donner" in the basement attracts dance events, while the "Salon" with its white walls and large windows is ideal for movie screenings and live broadcasts like the weekly "Tatort" viewings. The large hall accommodates up to 200 people and is used for larger events such as theater and readings. Additionally, there are special spaces like "Studio 1," which serves as a rehearsal stage, and "Studio 2," used as a training room.


Another highlight is "Schmidtchen," a café that offers sweet delicacies and homemade sandwiches and quiches during the day. Haus 73 is renowned for its vibrant atmosphere and its ability to combine diverse cultural experiences under one roof.

About the red Flora

Around the Haus 73 there is another well known building - the rote Flora an I like to explain this a bit.


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This building, the Rote Flora, nestled in the Sternschanze quarter. This former theater turned autonomous cultural center is a symbol of resistance, creativity, and community activism that has withstood the test of time and turbulent politics.


The Rote Flora began its journey in 1888 as a concert house known as the "Tivoli-Theater." Designed by architect Franz Georg Stammann, it served as a hub for middle-class entertainment, hosting a variety of shows including operettas and ballets. However, its role in Hamburg's cultural scene shifted dramatically over the decades, mirroring the changing social landscape of the area.

In the late 1980s, amidst escalating property prices and urban development pressures, the Rote Flora was threatened with demolition to make way for a musical theater. In 1989, a group of left-wing activists occupied the building to prevent its destruction. This occupation marked the beginning of Rote Flora’s transformation into an autonomous center. Officially, the building was sold to the occupiers for a symbolic price, under the condition that it would not be sold again, solidifying its status as a self-managed social and cultural space.


The Rote Flora is now known for its staunch anti-commercial stance. It hosts a wide range of activities including political meetings, workshops, concerts, and exhibitions, all organized on a non-profit basis. It operates without any government funding, relying on donations and volunteer support to maintain its operations and organize events that promote social justice, environmental issues, and alternative living models.

The exterior of Rote Flora is as expressive as its internal activities. The building is covered in colorful graffiti and murals that change frequently, reflecting the dynamic and evolving spirit of the community that it houses. These artworks often carry strong political messages and serve as a visual protest against gentrification, racism, and other social issues.

The Rote Flora has also been a focal point for larger political demonstrations, particularly around the G20 summit held in Hamburg in 2017. During this time, it served as a shelter and organizing ground for protestors, symbolizing resistance against global political and economic structures perceived as unjust.


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As a Hive traveler, visiting the Rote Flora offers a unique insight into a form of community life that challenges conventional norms. It is a place where art, politics, and social engagement converge, providing a stark contrast to the commercialized urban spaces that dominate much of the city. The Rote Flora stands as a reminder oof the power of community activism and the importance of cultural spaces that prioritize social values over commercial gain.

For those interested in alternative cultures and the history of grassroots movements, Rote Flora is not just a building; it's a living, breathing entity that embodies the rebellious spirit of Hamburg. It invites visitors to question and rethink their views on society, making it a must-visit for anyone looking to delve deeper into the less polished, but profoundly authentic, side of Hamburg.

By by Hamburg

Now we packed all stuff again into the car and we are off from the Haus 73 and the area of rote Flora to an evening in lovely Hamburg and a night for a LIVE #BeerSaturday at the Brewdog brewery at Reeperbahn. But all this is another story for another Post.


See you in Aachen

With all this extra motivation we kick start the 13th #HiveMeetupAachen planned for the and of June 2024.


Let me know if you like to attend, help or have an activity at this next Meetu in Central Europe

Even any kind of sponsorship is highly welcome as we try to onboard some of the 60000 students living in Aachen.

Have a great day everybody
and let us travel the world again

pic by @detlev

Enjoy the #BeerSaturday
have 3 pics and a story
around beer - and go!

@Detlev loves HIVE

More from @Detlev
Get / shop my book by HIVE
JOIN BeerSaturday Challenge



Für mich steht ohnehin seit vielen Jahren fest, dass Hamburg mit Abstand die spannendste Stadt Deutschlands ist. Auf dem Kiez sowieso!

Ja, das war wirklich spannend und selbst unser Mann aus Berlin meinte das Kreuzberg und Neuköln auch nicht anders - halt nur größer - sind.

krasse Sticker. coole blaue Haare.

sehr originell :)

Sorry I couldn't be there. Looked like fun.

There will be more events where we can meet dear @steevc

I like the stickers, especially the one from the second picture: "Don't stress. Your are loved" 🤎

Thanks, there are many cool ones.

Wow, that was interesting, some stuff I didn't know about my own town.
It was lovely to meet you all and I wish I could have come with you for the remainder of the event, but I'm sure there will be a next time. 😊

Yeah - there is hopefully always a next community meeting and many of them come with a beer.

Alcohol free ones as well I hope.. 😄

It is the content, the pictures and the story - not the alc!

Die Bilder von der Stickerwand sind alt. Da ist jetzt ein "Hive-Sticker" hinzugekommen 😀


Genau so soll es sein!!

It was really such a great event and venue. I think we all really enjoyed visiting the area and spreading the word of Hive! I think many curious bystanders were wondering what is the "Hive". 😀

Did anyone add a Hive sticker there? :P

Hey hey I di don’t know that I miss a great chance to try some craft beer at Haus 73 😦 it seems that I have to go back!!

The Rote Flora got my attention, I could imagine a bit about it but I liked finding out about details thanks to you.

Was a great day, I’m eager to read your Brew Dog experience 🍻