The Fortune Teller

in Photography Lovers4 years ago


Photo taken by me @derangedvisions

A glimpse into our fortune


While we were at Evermore, they had a fortune teller that would read your fate or fortune with her cards. It was a pretty cool experience that helped pull you more into the world that they have created at the park.


Photo taken by me @derangedvisions

I have never had my fortune read this way. I had only done an astrology reading prior to this, so having someone read my fortune with cards was pretty cool.


Photo taken by me @derangedvisions

My wife went before me. The fortune teller asked her to think of a question before she started. My wife was thinking about her job and the future of her with the company we work for. There are a lot of changes that are coming soon at work, and our current positions are going away, so it has had my wife worried.

The fortune teller basically told her that she didn't need to worry and that everything was going to work out for us. Well today at lunch when my wife came home, she told me that one of her supervisors had let her know that she was going to be getting one of the new positions at work, which comes with quite a bit more pay.


Photo taken by me @derangedvisions

When it was my turn, I was more focused on the future about 3 years or more from now. I was wondering if it would be good for us to move outside of the US once our daughter graduates from school. We have wanted to move to Thailand or some place similar to that, but lately we have been thinking about our future grandchildren and if it would be wise to move so far away.

The fortune teller basically told me that I needed to focus on my needs over my wants. So I took that as we would need to remain close because we need to be involved with our kids and their kids as much as possible. Now if we could get our kids to move with us, that would be the perfect situation, but them getting employment in a foreign country may be harder than it would be for my wife and I since we would be retired.


Photo taken by me @derangedvisions

She did tell me that I needed to be careful in the future and not be reckless. Well with my OneWheel crash a few days ago, I wonder if this was what she was talking about. I have been home for the past few days trying to recover from the accident and my recovery has gone pretty smoothly so far. I am able to hobble around unassisted for a while, but I try and use my crutches as much as possible because I don't want to re-injure my leg and extend my recovery.


Photo taken by me @derangedvisions

It was pretty cool meeting up with this fortune teller and having a small glimpse into our future. I can't wait to get fully healed up so we can go back to Evermore and experience more of the park. Hopefully we can go before they change everything to a Christmas style theme and story line.


That is a pretty darn cool story. I love that Mrs DV got her new position right away.

Your fortune? Not so hard. One wheel=crutches Easy peasy!
Just kidding. I've been known to take the odd occasional rehab in my career, too. I can't imagine you not being an on site Grandpa. You were like born to the task.

Ya, we want to be super involved with the grandkids. I keep telling my wife that our grandkids are going to have a ton of pictures taken of them.

I would actually have reservations about going to a fortune teller, somehow it instills fear in me. You can also go on a long vacation in Thailand later and then return to your family.

Hopefully we can go back to Thailand on vacation. I am missing the beaches and the food.