Saying Goodbye to the Best Dog Ever

in Photography Lovers5 months ago


You will be missed


Over the last two weeks, my dog's health has declined pretty quickly. He was in so much pain that he was losing mobility and was not able to go up or down any stairs. I had to carry him in the house each time that he went to the bathroom.


In the last few days, he was in so much pain that a lot of the time when he was standing he would just shake uncontrollably. So we made the decision to have him put down to end his suffering.


Luckily, he was able to have a lot of visitors in the last two days and they all showed him so much love. Harley was nine years old and we got him shortly after we moved into our home. Our kids grew up with him and all of their friends loved him so much.


This picture was taken when he was just about 8 weeks old and our daughter was like 9 years old. They spent so much time playing together over the years and he loved her so much.


Harley went on so many adventures with us. After long hikes, he would just lay in the backseat of the car and sleep with the kids as we drove back home.


Harley was very excited to see our son and was just full of energy while him and his girlfriend were here to visit him and say their goodbyes.


Harley's last day with us was filled with love and we gave him all the snacks he wanted. He had stopped eating his normal food, but he loved the snacks he was getting. His last meal was a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. We gave him a sandwich because they were one of the foods that he loved to sneak from the counter when we turned our backs to it. I don't even know how many times I made a sandwich and then got distracted by something and then came back into the kitchen to see that my food was gone.


His health was deteriorating very quickly and we scheduled to have him put down at our home. I figured that an in home euthanasia would be a better experience for him and us than going to a vet and having him put down. Plus we didn't want to have him pass here at our home in the middle of the night or anything.


We set up a blanket outside and brought his bed out there with us so that he was comfortable. We were able to get a mold of his paw print made and the Dr that came even shaved patches of his hair off for us to save as well.


Harley was first given a shot that eliminated his pain and allowed him to relax and be peaceful prior to his passing. As the medicine was beginning to work, we could feel that his pain was beginning to go away because his breathing wasn't as labored as before and he was able to lay down more comfortably. It was so nice seeing him be able to relax more and get comfortable.


My wife, daughter and I held his head in our hands as the second set of medicine was given to him. He passed very quickly after that medicine was given to him. Throughout the whole process, we were playing some of his favorite music, the sun was shining and birds were chirping. It was such a peaceful experience for him and I know that he could feel our love.


The Dr that came and helped us through this was the sweetest guy ever. Harley was moved to a stretcher and then wrapped up in blankets. The Dr showed so much love and care to him and it was just a great experience.


Harley was the best dog I have ever had. He will be missed but never forgotten. Even though he has only been gone for a day, I catch glimpses of him around the house. I am glad that his final days were so filled with love and that he isn't suffering in pain anymore.


I'm really sorry for your loss. We just said goodbye to our Jovi last Friday. It has been rough to say the least. I only cried once today, so that is an improvement! We picked up her ashes on Tuesday and even though she isn't here, it is nice to have a part of her close.

Thank you. I'm sorry for your loss. It really sucks to lose a pet, but I am just glad that ours isn't suffering anymore. It was hard to watch him be in so much pain. He was still our happy little guy up until the end.

Yes, it helps knowing she isn't in pain anymore. She had been fighting a UTI for six months that just wouldn't go away and her back legs barely worked anymore.

I never thought I would shed tears for a dog, it must have been so difficult for you all to watch him slip away.

@bozz lost his dog as well they other day, what is happening??! 😭

It was a lot more peaceful than I thought it would be. We have never had to go through this with any of our pets before. It is pretty sad, but I am glad that he isn't in pain anymore.

Your story made me cry... Some creatures are absolutely committed to offer all their good energy to please us... Dog occupy a important space in that place.
Thank you for sharing the Story (that would never be forgotten by who met Harley) 🐾

Thank you for stopping by. I agree, dogs are such special animals and all they want to do is love.

Damn, this sucks bro. Rest in peace, Harley. Makes me tear up.
I think you 100% made the right decision to end the suffering. It's not an easy choice, but it needed to be done it sounds like.

Thanks man. I think it was the perfect time to put him down. I am glad that we didn't wait until he was in so much pain that he wasn't able to engage with us anymore. He had a great last day with us.

Damn, sad to hear that, man. Harley will be missed!

That paw print is very adorable. ❤️

Thank you. He is definitely going to be missed by so many people.

I'm so sorry for your loss! I rarely shed tears, but this is just sad to hear. I've witnessed how you loved Harley through your posts here. No more pain for Harley.

Thanks man. It is cool to think about how many people have seen my pictures of him over the last 6 years here on Hive. It is crazy that the majority of his life has been documented here.

Oh, Wes, I just saw your blog now. Condolences. I know the pain of your loss, the feeling you are going through. As you know, we have had to experience this twice this year alone. In February we had to say goodbye to Lana, and in March we had to do the same with Myla. Which leaves us with one dog, for the first time in years. The house often still feels empty, and I miss the pleasant bustle of several dogs in the house. The personality of the dogs we had to let go.

But if the dog is suffering so much, this is the only right decision you can make. There is no dog in the world that should have to suffer because his people don't want to miss him. Because you love your dog(s), you choose to let him go with dignity. Condolences for your loss. Rest in peace Harley.

Thank you. It has been weird lately in our home without him, especially for our husky, but we are moving forward and keeping his memory alive.

Your photos are beautiful. I would have loved to meet Harley sometime, he always seemed like such a cute dog. Sorry for your loss, I'm sure he was also one of the happiest and most loved dogs, his family is awesome. I still have my silly wallpaper attempt, I was practicing with photoshop 3 years ago and wanted to make my own wallpapers, I remember I uploaded it to discord some time ago. Rest in peace, Harley.


Thanks man. He was my favorite dog I ever had.

Fine you got a tear outta me! I've had so much pet death and somehow it never gets easier. I dread the day my old cat passes - he got me through some of my most difficult times in life.

The song I always share in this circumstance:

- about putting the artist's dog to sleep.

I am not looking forward to my oldest cat passing away. She is 12 right now and has been with me through so much. She snuggles with me all day long and sleeps curled up on me at night.

Sad..this is pure sadness.... I hope that everything is fine with you..

Thank you. We are doing about as good as you can be after something like this. His memory will live on and that is all that matters.

It makes me cry. I didn't got over loosing my dog now after 3 years. She was with me, a great companion for 16 years...I know how it feels. the only comfort I get is thinking she is still here, as a presence I don't see. Dogs are way better than humans, pure, genuine, candid, trustful...and, in the end, so powerful, more powerful than us, looking at them without any power to help cure strong!

16 years? That is a long time for your little buddy to be with you. I bet losing her was really hard.

It was like a part of me, a pure part, has left forever. I still cannot watch our old photos...the grief is still there. I am, though, grateful for her time with me and the strength she passed on to me. A little angel....that is what she has always been.

Sorry to hear about Harley. RIP.

Thank you.

So sorry for your loss, it’s really hard to lose a furry family member. You did such a nice farewell for him, so much love and peace🐾

Thank you. I appreciate the kind words. He was the best dog.

That must be so sad, man. It must be really hard to part with a pet that's been with you for most of your life. But like you said, at least it's not in pain anymore. May it rest in peace. My condolences 🙏

Thanks man, I am glad that he isn't suffering anymore. He was such an amazing dog.

So sorry for your loss… it is always hard to lose a family member.
RIP Harley 🐾


Thank you

You are welcome 🤗

Dear @derangedvisions, you just got hugged.
I sent 1.0 HUG on behalf of @littlebee4.

My condolences... Losing a pet sucks. I havent had to put down my pet but my cat got hit by a car and passed away. I also have 18 years old cat so I wondedr how much time in him still.

I am sorry to hear about your pet that got hit. That must have been horrible. Give your cat lots of loves.

Y’all spent so much ecstatic moments with Harley but it’s so sad that it is leaving sooner than expected
Harley will be missed and I hope you get a dig like Harley again

Thank you. We won't be getting another dog any time soon. It will be nice to be able to focus my attention on the pets that I have left.

Sorry for your loss. I still miss my Lota as well.

Thank you. I am sorry you are missing your Lota. Pets are such a great addition to the family.

😔, there's simply no words in losing a dog. I sometimes wonder if they are patiently waiting at the pearly gates, for whether heaven or hell they would surely follow or at least that's what I believe.