My family is awesome

in Photography Lovers3 years ago


Photo by me

Smiles for miles


A few days ago, I was able to get some good shots of my kids with their significant others. It has been a while since we all got together for anything and all have spent time together, so it was good to get some pictures of that time.


Photo by me

It has been nice to see our daughter so happy lately. She has had such a rough past few years. It was crazy how close we came to losing her a few months ago when she was having complications with COVID. I just hope that she is able to get the vaccine soon and she doesn't have any complications from it.


Photo by me

Our son is getting older, which means that I am getting super old too. He just turned 19 a few months ago and it has been awesome to see him change from being a young kid to a more responsible "adult".


Photo by me

He has grown so much ever since he has been with his girlfriend. Last night he was hinting at marriage, which means that my wife and I will be grandparents soon. I don't know what I am going to do when he moves out and they take Franky with them. I'm not sure if I am going to be able to let him go because Franky has been chilling with me everyday since we got him. We are going to have to schedule play dates or something with the cats and have them bring Franky over.


I am a year younger than your son, so I still have a long, long way to go before I feel the thrill of thinking about being a grandfather someday, I guess it must be an amazing thing for you and, I give you some incredible congratulations in case I can't give them to you when the exact moment comes.
My uncles are 58 and 69 (I was raised by them) and when they see their granddaughter they are incredibly happy, they never seem to get tired of being happy with a baby, hopefully, you can receive that happiness at some point!

Your daughter's dude's Ramen Noodles shirt is my favorite part of this whole post! j/s

Lol, I want that shirt too

Great family and great times! I miss the rest of my people out east a lot sometimes. I don't have anyone out here in Cali besides @afturner and @little-ricky.

First thing after my shot I want to go visit everyone!

Ya, hopefully things settle down a bit so we can all get back to seeing family and traveling again.

Really beautiful shots @derangedvisions! I wish you & your family all the best! Much love from Germany <3

Thank you

What a beautiful and amazing family you have brother, and at the same time very big, it is beautiful to spend time with family, joke, laugh and most of all, spend it together as a family.

Your daughter has a wonderful smile, full of life and love, your son is fantastic too, I am glad to know that your daughter is already a little better with the covid and will soon receive the vaccine, many successes and blessings to you and your family brother, greetings.

Thanks homie. I appreciate the kind words.

Precious moments captured here and your family is wonderful.
A reminder of the blessings in our lives ❤️ much Love to You and your family 🌹❤️🌹❤️

Thank you. I appreciate that.

Also, is the @sassafrass account yours too?

Your welcome my friend 🌹
And Yes it is my account and I guess my comments gets me busted 😁 lol
I was going to post silver with that account but I guess my passion for photography just is to strong.
Have a wonderful evening. Cheers!

Happy family.


Welcome! Good morning

Hey @derangedvisions, here is a little bit of BEER from @olivia08 for you. Enjoy it!

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You have a precious family ❤️
And such amazing moments you captured here, smiles for both face and heart.
Glad your daughter recovered, and I hope she gets the vaccine without complication and she stays healthy ❤️
And you might become a grandfather soon but you not older than you feel 😁 so I tell myself.
They are Lucky to have you and I send you and Yours much love 🤗❤️💋

Nice family, congratulations.
Your photos are also incredible, you capture excellent moments.


Cool family shot you've got there and your daughter is looking very happy indeed.
19? And he is already talking about marriage? Wow, that's serious.
The mindset of people here would consider him rather too young for marriage but its all cool

Time spent with family is priceless. It is a very difficult ordeal your family went thru. I also have a son and daughter. I hope the vaccine comes sooner. Stay safe.

Ya, hopefully this vaccine helps with the spread and seriousness of the virus so we can all get back to normal again.

May your family always be healthy. And hopefully Covid19 will end soon. keep up the spirit and be optimistic.

I appreciate that.

You have a lovely family and I am glad that your daughter is ok. Now that I have seen how cute Franky is, no wonder you want shared custody hahah.

Thank you. DerangedCoin was on Steem and I have no plans on bringing it to Hive.