My daughter is a badass
When my daughter told my wife and I that she wanted to do a natural birth in our home, we were extremely worried. Home birth is something that we knew nothing about. We have only known the traditional way to give birth here in America. The traditional way here in America is when the woman goes into labor, you rush to the hospital and hope that you get there in time for the doctors to give the woman an epidural so she isn't in as much pain when she delivers.
Over the last nine months, my wife and I learned as much as we could about a natural home birth and how much better it is for the baby and the mother. We also learned the best ways that we could support her during her labor. Let me tell you, this was the scariest and most beautiful experience I have ever been a part of.
Her water broke on Tuesday afternoon. We had just gotten back from an appointment with her midwives. When she told us that her water broke, it was pretty exciting and then the shock started to come in that it was time for her baby to begin his journey to say hello to the world.
During the early stages of labor, we tried to just keep our normal routine, so we started making dinner and she just ignored the contractions as much as she could. After we ate, we all just hung out together for a while and watched some of her favorite shows. It was important for her to try and ignore labor as much as possible because if she would have focused on it, then her body could have stalled progress.
About 130 in the morning, we started making cupcakes for his birthday. This kept our minds off of things for a while, but we were all getting pretty tired because we weren't used to being up this late. So we tried to lay down and rest our bodies and our minds. My wife and daughter stayed in our room and I tried to sleep in the living room on the ground, but that wasn't the most restful thing ever.
Our daughter labored throughout the night and her contractions were getting more and more intense as time passed. About five in the morning, things were getting pretty painful for her and she moved out into the living room. Her contractions were lasting about a minute long and were pretty consistent, but we weren't at the point where we needed to call the midwives for them to show up yet.
Her contractions were ramping up pretty quickly and my wife and I were starting to get pretty exhausted by this point. During her contractions, my wife would apply pressure to her back to relieve the pain, but after about 8 hours or so of doing this, it was getting pretty tiring.
About 830 in the morning, we called the midwives and when they showed up, it was like a massive weight was lifted off our shoulders and we knew we weren't in this alone. We had reached the limit on what we knew we could do, so to have help get there was amazing.
Once the midwives got there with all their medical gear, it gave my wife and I a chance to relax a bit. Her three best friends showed up to support her as well.
The amount of love and support for my daughter through this was so beautiful to see. When they moved her to the birthing pool, things started to get pretty intense. It was so cool to see my daughter listen to her body and move it in ways to push her baby down further.
She tried to rest as much as she could between contractions. It was so cool to see how she controlled her breathing and kind of entered a meditative state. The majority of her laboring, she had her eyes closed and just trusted her body and her midwives.
I am so glad that I am a photographer and was able to capture so many beautiful moments of this birth. As I was taking photos, I was thinking how amazing it is to be able to be in our home doing this where she is the most comfortable and that she is surrounded by love the entire time. When most people hear that she is a single mother, I am sure they make assumptions about everything, but they really have no idea how much support and love she has.
The love from her friends is a beautiful thing to see. Her and her friends have been through so much together and their bond is amazing.
Seeing my daughter in so much pain was so hard for me. I was scared the entire time. Throughout this entire thing, I gained such an appreciation for my wife and what she went through to bring our children into this world.
My wife and I would take turns helping her through contractions and when I was helping, she took photos. Most fathers would not want to be there when their daughter is giving birth, but I felt honored to be there and I loved that I could support her through this.
At one point, I was holding onto my daughter's arms so she could lean back with all her weight and push. It was so cool to be able to have the strength to do that. I never would have been able to do that before, but over the last two years, we have been working on our health and we are so grateful for our bodies.
It was beautiful to watch my wife support our daughter as well. It is crazy how many emotions came up during this whole experience. There were times when our daughter would be crying out in pain and my wife and I would just look at each other and cry because it was so hard to see our little baby girl in so much pain.
The love I have for my wife grew so much throughout all of this as well. I have such a deeper appreciation for her and the amazing mother she has been to our kids. She really is the best person I know.
While she was in the pool, it helped relieve some of the pain associated with her contractions, but after two hours or so of pushing in the pool, her midwives moved her out of the pool because her labor was stalling and she needed to move positions.
Things got very intense after she was moved out of the pool. They had her in different squatting and lunge positions through contractions to open her body up and move the baby down lower.
They had her move into the hallway and I attached a bed sheet with a knot tied in it to the door frame and she held it as she lowered down into a squat and pushed. Then after her contractions, she would pull herself up with her arms and rest. It was incredible to see the strength and determination she had in this moment.
She had been in labor for over 24 hours by this point and had been pushing for four hours and she still had the strength to lift her bodyweight up with her arms each time. It was so hard to watch her go through this part because he was almost out and the pain was so bad for her.
This was the moment that her baby was out. You can see the immediate relief in her face. When he started crying, that was such an amazing thing to hear. Our daughter has been waiting so long to meet her baby and the moment was finally here.
Later that night, my wife and I finally had some time to decompress and process the entire two days. It was a whirlwind of emotions and looking back through all the pictures I took, there are hundreds, it is cool to see it all and realize that we did it.
It definitely is something that I never thought I would have ever gone through, but I will be forever grateful for the opportunity to be there for my little girl. I really wish that more fathers have this chance to support their daughters. This was the scariest and most beautiful thing I have ever had a chance to witness.
He was born on May 8th, and it was one of my favorite days here on this earth. The love we all have for this little man is incredible.
I'm finding this post quite some time after it was written, but it moved me so much that I just HAD to leave a comment...
Your daughter is a beautiful warrior; I can just never get enough of these stories where women fight for the birth that is right for them. With the support of an amazing team of caregivers, the strength your daughter holds was able to bring your grandbaby into this world surrounded by joy; not machines and harsh lighting... Amazing.
I had my own very long labor with my youngest child, it was my first vaginal birth after 2-sections, and I had to fight too. When I see how other women have done the same and prevailed... It gives me chills. 💗 I can understand why your love for your wife grew while experiencing birth full on like this, it is such an incredibly powerful thing to witness!
Thank you for sharing this here on Hive, these beautiful shots paired with your daughter's story made my heart warm. 😭 (happy tears)
Thank you. My daughter is definitely a warrior. We had some pretty cool music playing for her that helped her get her warrior spirit during her labor as well. It really was such a beautiful experience. Thank you for stopping by and checking out my post.
I can only imagine all the emotions in those hours, and you were still able to do an awesome photo journaling. Congratulations, mr. grandfather! ;) This definitely deserves a !BEER
It was an emotional roller coaster of a day. It has taken us all a few days to process it all. I'm glad we have so many pictures to look back on because it went so fast.
Congrats!! What a rollercoaster for you guys. I can't imagine how your daughter would have felt if she had to go through this in the hospital without the support from you all.
She looks over the moon holding the little man ❤️
We were scared that she would have had to be transferred to the hospital. That was one of the things that we worried about because she had wanted to do it all at home. So we were so glad that it all worked out for her to have him in the safety of our house. Her midwife team was amazing.
The moments you transmit with these photos are incredible, it must be a unique experience to see the birth so close.
Especially when it comes to a daughter, I personally feel that I would not have the strength to be present.
My respects.
Thank you. It really was an incredible experience.
Congrats to the family, beautiful moment!
Thank you
This is such a remarkable story, beautifully captured by your lens. I'm happy to hear that things ended well. What an experience for everyone closely involved. Especially for your daughter. She must feel like an absolute champion and now has all of the bragging rights in the world for accomplishing such a heroic effort. I'm happy for you all and the continued growth of your amazing family unit. You guys did it!
Thanks man. Ya, my daughter fully comprehends how badass she is for bringing her son into the world this way. She made it through this like a boss and will be able to deal with anything life throws at her. It's cool to see the work my family has been doing playing out.
Wow, congrats Wes!
We are expecting our third one in August.
Thank you. Congrats on the new one that is on the way. That is so cool.
I felt so emotional reading your post... I salute you for your courage....Congratulations🎉🎉😂
Thank you
derangedvisions, victorbz sent you LUV. 🙂 (1/3) tools | trade | connect | wiki | daily
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Congratulations on the successful home birth of your grandson.
You and your wife really did an amazing job providing your daughter with the best support she could have for this experience, and the love and care of her friends shines through the photographs as well.
Was the point in the story where I started getting teary eyed. You did an outstanding job with the photographs and write up of the experience man. The emotions of the experience were captured very well.
I'm so happy for you and your family, and I know that you and your grandson are going to have an extraordinary bond.
Thanks man. This was the most special event I have ever been a part of. We love the little guy so much.
Many congratulations! I knew your daughter would make it through this strong, man. Even in the photos you posted months ago, I could see how strong she was. I hope your grandson lives a long and healthy life.
Thanks man. She is so incredibly strong. It has been amazing to watch her growth.
Very touching story and photos! I'm crying 😅. How amazing it must be to have a home birth, how much courage everyone has to have to attend and keep calm in such a delicate moment like this. How nice that your daughter had so much love and support from her loved ones. And now this baby is going to have great memories photographed of the moment when everyone was waiting so lovingly for him. Congratulations :) ❤️
Thank you. It was truly an unforgettable experience.
Congrats brother!!!
Thanks man
Dude congress! And good for you all for doing it at home. The hospital is so horrible, they even stressed on us tk wear a mask! Ofcourse during the birth they layed off us, but soon after a nurse was more worried about us masking up than anything else!
Then when your wife is told to get some rest, they come in every 15 min, making it impossible for rest lol
If we ever have another kid I’m thinking I’ll go the sane route as your daughter:)
Home birth is so much better for the baby and the mom. They are both doing so good.
Wow that must have been an experience. To be there so close and support her all the way.
Congratulations to all of you 🥳
Welcome to the world little man 😊
Enjoy all the precious moments together
Thank you. It was an honor for me to support my baby through this. It was amazing.
You are welcome 😊
How are they doing?
Hope all well 😁
derangedvisions, littlebee4 sent you LUV. 🙂 (1/10) tools | trade | connect | wiki | daily
Made with LUV by crrdlx.
Bringing a child into the world is a big job
I’m glad your daughter could make it
Congratulations to your household
Thank you
These are the most beautiful photos i've ever seen in my life, The photos and your narration are loaded with a lot of love and ican feel it ,it almost making me cry of admiration, your daughter is very strong!
This must be one of the most important moments for your family and is beautiful that you were able to document it in full!
Thank you. I love looking back at these photos and just being proud of everyone involved.
The story you tell us, so close and with these photographs, provoked me many feelings at the same time. But I can't imagine what you went through. Of course, it must have been as you say: the scariest and most beautiful experience.
Congratulations to your daughter, for being a warrior, for her determination. And I believe that energy she exudes is the energy you all have. Because similar attracts similar.
Greetings! Welcome to this new member of such a beautiful family.
Thank you. These past few days have been filled with so many emotions. It truly was so incredible.
Congratulations grandpa! And congrats to the fresh parents. It is truly amazing to witness the wonder of birth! Happy times I wish yhe young family all good in the world!
Thank you.
It was an event that was a mixture of happiness, anxiety, and emotion. Congratulations on becoming a grandfather. Smile
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