I think this GDP will be my best grow ever

in Photography Lovers6 months ago


Buds are forming


Grandaddpy Purple is my favorite strain and one that I love to grow. This GDP grow is shaping up to be my best looking yet.


The buds on this are going to be massive. I have never grown a plant that has such great looking formations to it.


I cut the main stem on this plant a few weeks before I switched the lights over to flower and it has recovered so well. I do this to keep a nice even canopy instead of having a long main stem that just continues to grow, while the side branches don't ever get the same height at the main stem.


This can cause the lower branches to not get the same amount of light as the top, which results in smaller buds for the lower branches. Having a nice even canopy during flower is essential for optimal light distribution and overall healthy plant.


By creating an even canopy prior to flower, I now have nine massive bud sites forming that will just continue to pack on size over the next 7-8 weeks of flower for this monster. I am expecting some amazing looking buds and a very nice harvest from this plant. I can't wait to see how these buds develop over the next two months.


I think that's a solid prediction man. The foliage is so thick and lush and looks like trichomes are already starting to form on the bottom.

Great work man, you've been patiently waiting for this moment, now it's full on bud explosion.

Thanks man. It’s been a long time coming to get to this point. It will be cool to see what it looks like by harvest time.

I think the same! Looking great bro!!

Thanks man. Can't wait to see what they look like in a few weeks.

I love it when weeds are looking very healthy
This looks really good
Nice one!

Thank you. They are some of the h am thirst plants I have grown so far.


Hell ya

Amazing clarity of the plant structure!


Colors look so vibrant and once it grows I bet the aroma would be awesome, I use to smoke a lot in my 20s but I don't anymore not because I don't like it, mainly it still not legal down here and now I have kids so you know parent life, be the example and all that stuff, hope the legalize it though 😅once I get way older might start riding the dragon again ✌️😎

When used medicinally, cannabis can be very beneficial to one's health. If you don't abuse the marijuana, you can still be an example to your kids. There are so many health benefits to this plant other than smoking it to get high.

Just like this plant it is very beautiful and clean and will grow well in no time.

Nice photos!

Thanks homie

This looks like Weed , or am I wrong about this plant . We I think it looks so good and has great colors too

Ya, it’s weed.