He is growing so fast

in Photography Lovers2 months ago


Tomorrow he will be 9 months old


Time has been flying. It is crazy to me that Theo is going to be 9 months old tomorrow. Over the last 9 months, he has made some pretty incredible changes.


Our daughter has been introducing different types of food and he is having so much fun with it. One of his favorites is spaghetti made with spaghetti squash instead of pasta noodles. It has been pretty cool to be able to introduce the healthier foods that we have been eating instead of the prepackaged garbage that is sold in stores. I love how our health journey has influenced him as well.


Theo is almost on the move. He has been practicing his crawling for about two weeks and he is getting more and more courages with it. I am expecting him to be crawling all over the place by this weekend. Right now, he is staying in a small circle of space where he moves around, but soon he is going to discover he can move anywhere. Good thing I installed gates around the living room to keep him safe.


Theo loves the animals, especially Titus. I watch him pretty closely when Titus is near because Titus can be a bit jumpy and I want to make sure that Theo doesnt scare him. He has grabby hands right now and we are teaching him to be soft when touching the animals cause he tends to get handfuls of fun whenever he "pets" them.


It has been such a blessing to see our grandson each day. I love the life I am living right now and I am grateful to be a part of everyone's lives that I come in contact with.

I hope you all have had a great week so far. These Hive pumps have been pretty exciting. I hope that they continue. Hive has been such a big part of my life over the years.


Wow now you are a very happy grandfather. It is gratifying to see how you enjoy the growth of your grandchild and at the same time you support in that process where he/she starts to discover things, with respect to the animals it is a good thing what you do, teach them from an early age to be kind to the little furry ones in the house.

I am waiting for my first born, God willing, by February he will open his eyes to the world. In the last few days I have been very nervous, I guess it is normal when you are going to be a first time parent. My parents are also happy, they are anxious for his arrival and I feel very happy to be able to make them grandparents on my behalf.

Keep enjoying your family man and be happy.

Congrats on your baby that is on the way. I hope you guys have a perfect birth abs that you're baby is healthy. Cherish the time you have with your baby. It goes too fast. I gave you a follow so hopefully I see the birth announcement.

Thanks for the good wishes, I too hope everything goes well without any setbacks.
And that's for sure. I will be happy to share some pictures of my baby in due course, thanks for following me, I appreciate it.

The young shall grow

He is growing so fast too. It's so fun to see

Instilling a love of animals in children at a young age is an important factor in their development. Theo has acquired this habit 🙂 The photos are fascinating, congratulations

Thank you. He definitely loves all the animals we have.

😍😍😍 What a cute and lovely child! Kids really grow up so quickly. Appreciate every moment of their childhood. When they grow up, you will definitely miss them. I also have a daughter who sometimes misses her childhood very much. Like you, I always have a camera to take pictures of yours.

Good to see you again, man. Theo is growing really fast and it must be great to see that, especially when you are around. And then you'll see him in a couple of years and you'll say wow he's all grown up! My aunt just had a new baby and he is so cute, sometimes she sends me pictures and even in 1 week I feel like he has grown so much.

unfortunately, living creatures can react inadequately. so great thing for the future. Learn to be considerate.


Look at these cute little hands ;) I love the photos, a perfect little model. Nobody taught him how to pose, but he still knows how to be king of the photo ;) But, you know...Titus...I'm in love ;))