Flower Time

in Photography Lovers6 months ago


They are doing great


Prior to this grow, I moved my entire grow space upstairs and that has taken some getting used to. The conditions upstairs are quite different than growing in my basement. I have been having to pay very close attention to the temperatures in the grow tent and when they get too high, I have had to figure out the best ways to circulate the air and bring those temps down.


The Northern Lights has begun flowering and I am trying to keep the temperatures in the tent below 78 degrees now. I would really like for them to stay below 75, but that is going to be difficult as spring is here and the temperatures during the day are increasing.


With the temperatures rising and the fact that I am having to get creative with how I keep the temps down, I have decided to switch my lights to 12/12 to induce flowering in the other two plants. It will be interesting to see how the Northern Lights reacts to the new light schedule. I have heard that running 12/12 for autoflowers can help to fatten the buds up. So it will be cool to see how she reacts.


The Northern Lights has really surprised me with how well she has recovered from when I busted so many of her branches off. I can't wait to watch these bud sites really fatten up over the next few weeks. I have a feeling she is going to do great.


The OG Kush is a bit smaller than I would have originally liked, but I think she is going to stretch quite a bit once she realizes it is time to flower. I have high hopes for this one and cant wait to see what she does in the coming weeks.


My GDP is the all star of this grow. It has been cool watching her grow. One of my favorite things about this plant is that her canopy has been developing perfectly. So once she realizes it is time to flower, there will be so many branches stretching up.


I don't have a net for this grow, but if I did, this would be the time I would be setting it up. Having different strains in the tent at the same time and trying to have a net can get frustrating because they all grow at different rates. So I will just have to make sure to be bending the branches as they stretch to help strengthen them up because these plants should have some decent sized buds on them.


I am so excited to have some more GDP in my stash. It has been a long time since I have had any of this strain. These next weeks are going to be awesome, so make sure you are following if you want to see some fat buds.


Interesting. So these guys aren't very tall and they look a lot like any indoor plants 🤔
If you are not observant.

During their early stages, they don’t look too much different from other plants, aside from their recognizable leaves. I cut mine and train them to stay a bit smaller until they are well into flower. In the next two weeks, these plants are going to almost double in height and once they flower, they will look completely different.

Oh so it is supposed to shoot up after flowering and not able to maintain like this cute bonsai look?
How long does it take until the flower is ready for harvest (as you indicated it will keep shooting up during flowering)? 🤔

It will get quite a bit larger and so much cooler looking once it begins to flower.

This plants look amazing! Keep going on.

Wow man they really are looking great!

Thanks homie

Nice looking plants, I just switched my auto to 12 hours in the last week with a week or two left. I will update you if they do fatten more or not.

Awesome. Hopefully it helps fatten yours up.

The shape of the leaves look good. It is nice knowing how you are protecting the plants, maintaining its temperature level to keep it growing. Hope you get a good result out of it.

Thanks man. I hope so too.

Wow! Is it legal?

Some places here in the US it is.

Your plants are looking healthy. No part of them is looking yellow or not nourished
You’re doing a good job!

Thank you. I am happy with how they are turning out for this grow.

Flowers and trees take a lot of work, they need to be watered on time, they deteriorate if they are not taken care of, you are working hard and they look very beautiful.


Most welcome dear.

They're looking great man. Can't wait to see how they're doing on the next update. Pretty soon those plants are going to be beasting out with huge buds.

Niiccee! They are looking good my friend.