These days when the Moon was full I went to get the ( Lat . Helichrysum ) Immortelle plant to make its essential oil and of course a lot more happened again an adventure I didn’t expect
My day started like any other without a plan without an idea I woke up early and noticed that the moon was full and after a couple of hours around 10 am a friend called me and said that mussels were coming to me
in each bag 2 kg of shells is a great lunch
they look juicy, powerful but also extremely large
I'm far away and I'll be ready around 3 p.m.
so daiman time from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. to go to the Smilja harvest
in Marler in front of the sea and the road is dusty beautiful and long real wilderness
while looking for plants along the road by the sea I came across this
interesting stones are fossils
there are quite a few of them but since it is noon and plus 30 degrees the wind is barely blowing
I have to move faster
this flower is wonderful to me some beautiful wild garlic
beautiful view and smell of the sea but I don't get to swim in the sea I have to keep looking for the plant
I like this alluvium as it adorns the coast and one day it will be a house for some insects
here I found Immortelle ( Lat . Helichrysum ) belongs to medicinal plants but now I need it for essential oil
there isn’t much but enough for me to try a new piece of my little lab
there I picked up a bit and went to the second position not to pick up all this after 15 minutes of driving in a very hot car at 12:37 h.
while outside the sun is scorching very hard road that white path of dust I reach the position
and ,and ,aaannndddd ...
I understand because I can't find a cell phone to take a photo, we don't have it in the car
I lost him... I have to go back and it's almost 1 pm and the end of the harvest is a few minutes away and I won't be able to pick the plants, and I have to find my cell phone, I have to drive back aaaaaa
here he is in the sun not that he is warm but a boiling spring he barely photographed these flowers tame Cantation
I cooled it down a bit and there was a very large buoy abandoned near the shore, which adorns the shore as a masterpiece of sea power, sea currents, sea waves
arriving home wet, sweaty angry but also happy that I lost and then found my cell phone however nice it was cute
I took the harvested plants and started chopping them into short pieces
then I put it in a glass flask
I put on the lab element below is water ...
, this left vertical tube is an old one I had - a way to cool the hydrolate
below it is a new spiral cooling tube that I use for the first time to see how it works, and below it is the element that separates the hydrolate from the essential oil
here it started to leak into the zucchini hydrolate
now i have a little time and i am going to see how the mussel preparation is progressing
warm and should be stirred slightly
One portion is ready cooked
homemade juicy pasta is dried on the table
which will be boiled in mussel water
and the mussels are ready just to eat
After eating I continue to produce essential oil this was done while I was eating some 40 mins passed.
This floating left is an essential oil and is lighter than water and to the right in this small town hall a drop of hydrolate drips into the flask to be saved for lubrication
new coil cooled through which cold water goes to cool the coil in which there is condensate of steam in which the hydrolate is mixed with essential oil
above it, a cylindrical cooler is connected, which turned out to be a little worse for me because it weakly cools the passing steam, so in that combination it is acceptable and good for now, but I will see.
need a lot of cold water because a small amount heats up quickly and there is a loss of product but for a short experiment it is quite enough
the cooling water starts to heat up and it looks like this it is not good after 2 h
something is left now you need to carefully drain the liquid through
through the rail to go a little oil towards the bottom and not to escape, not to get lost
and there remains such a small tiny drop of essential oil that collects
and puts it in a small bottle that I keep in the fridge to rest
when the equipment cools down, it reaches room temperature it can be disassembled
and the vapors that condensed and cooled followed into the water below and made, Flavored water ...
... which got an almost nice black color , and it is actually red
but it looks nice to me behind this plate that glows below
a small collection of my first-order on a spiral cooler
I took the herbs out of the zucchini
I put in the pot everything that was inside
this is šmy trial attempt to see what will happen to me after this
poured water from the spinach to cover the plants
and I put to boil like tea a very rich, very strong bark this SMELLS BEAUTIFUL , and very intensely strong
and I let it stand covered until late in the evening until it cooled to room temperature .
Night came and a test bath .
Ingredients :
- I take Flavored Water
and is lightly poured into the tub
it has a nice color and a pleasant gently strong scent - it fits
I didn't manage everything, I let a little to remove the precipitate from the zucchini with a light mix
then I spilled everything in the tub
ti is the amount of Flavored Water
then I took a little made hydrolate that has a delicate scent
then casting in the tub
followed by that flower tea that had cooled
I strained it and it is quite a liquid that has a wonderful smell and taste, it tastes as hard as the smell but a dry taste in the mouth that lasts a long time and fits
This is the rest when I drain in the pot
I take the liquid that wonderful strong rich tea
pour the same into the tub
when I put all in pouring lukewarm water to make a bath
the bath is over, and the interesting color that darkens over time the longer it stands the darker it is
Ingredients ready.
Here I am in the tub and this is a real fragrant relaxation
Here I am in the tub and this is a real fragrant relaxation
begins a gentle pinching on the parts of the body between the shoulders and neck and gently on the eyelids, the part that the sun has caught during the day and there gently pinches but it really is a great bath
then I got out of the tub after about an hour of course and I listened to music 883, maybe zapa, maybe Sicilian maybe classical piano-violin, cuck I don't know everything a bit
I let this bath in the tub to water the flowers because it is more useful in the garden than thrown away uselessly.
This is at 4:30 in the morning the color of the liquid has darkened almost black and is actually dark red
dawn has begun in about 30 minutes the sun will rise so that it does not burn the plants but to drink everything nicely
here and gently sprinkled with flowers from my terrace in the mansatda
these are the plants of my little garden semi-wild that I keep and look after
this was a small wild fern that spread nicely and grew
has cute and weird tax micelles
like some dried flowers
has a nice leaf
I need to free it a bit from the dry winter leaves
it was pretty dry
now something is seen
there is also a wild poppy meadow
has a hairy stem
good cover
and nicely arranged seed-scattering rooms like some windows
a little rare to crawl spinach
only a leaf is eaten and under each leaf a flower and then a seed
this is one of the few ferns that can be seen in the forests of our region
the pores are linear across the leaf
looks great as from the game Morrowind
this is the tree of life that came to the hook in 1984, the leaves are so sharp that since 1998 they haven't taken care of it and it seems to fit and grow. Instead of throwing it away, I decided in 2003 not to bother putting it in the ground in front of the workshop
nothing bothers him, nothing he doesn't like, I like this one obviously suits him
and grows nicely
there is also a beautiful carnation but it is also old
on it is also a spider masterpiece
this is some dwarf rose standing there like that neither forward nor back as simply as a bonsai
dense small flowers
that's why locusts love it
and my little wild wild garden on the attic terrace
it would be in short what happened from the harvest to the final product of the Immortelle essential oil
with a few photos in short text to show the HIVE production process though this is my product I hope you enjoyed it because I did.
Very interesting
it's interesting to me too ;))
D ;))
Would love to learn how to make essential oil!
You need to have a lot of time to devote to it, this way it looks simple ;))