I never thought of that, but it is a little like kintsugi. I like your observation!
I always prefer well-worn things. Coins or leather with a patina, old metal things that are all scratched up and well used, old gloves that are stitched and repaired and now bend in strange ways when you lay them on the ground, but still work well. I rarely buy cases with my phones, for instance, for this reason. I want them to get scratched up in my pocket. It adds a character and a life to the objects.
Er... sorry, that wasn't really about the apple, was it? haha. I'd do the same as you with that apple: admire it for awhile, but then enjoy eating it.
Oh, I understand that you like your belongings to have character. I think it's called "Aji," right? I love when my boots and sneakers become easier to wear and develop "Aji," but I don't like them to be dirty. Do you get what I mean? I love seeing long histories through nature or objects, like you said. However, I don’t feel good about things that turn into "gomiyashiki." Kintsugi is such a cool technique!