I just don't feel inclined to advertise what I have
I respect that so much. It seems like so many gun-people in the US have this inner need to always be telling you about how many guns they own or showing off what they have. The culmination of this attitude seems to be these folks in open carry states who go to McDonalds with semi automatic machine guns dangling off their shoulder.
I don't like guns, as you know, but I can respect when people feel differently. If someone follows the law and is careful, then it's all good. But these people who just have to rub our faces in their guns... I don't like that.
Sorry, almost off on a rant.
I don't know anything about guns or ammo, but the shells in the second photo look very much like the shell I used to have from a WWII era plane. I'm sure the scale is different and those plane shells were probably much larger. I don't have it anymore nor do I remember the size exactly. Wish I still had it. My grandpa, who was a media in the war, took me to a plane show and bought me that shell. I seem to remember it had a hole drilled in it, maybe to drain all the gunpowder or whatever technical word you use for the stuff inside. Heh I'm showing my ignorance.
As always, great photos. I know you always like to mention that you are not a photographer, but you are doing a great job with all the macro photos you've been posting. The practice is obviously paying off.
Yeah, it's bonkers really, but then the world is full of examples of this with many other things. People want to show off.
I don't like guns either...well, not any more than I like a hammer, my 4x4, my hair brush...They're just a tool I use.
Spitfires used a .303 ammunition and Mustangs used a .50 cal. The .50 is much bigger than those I have pictured in this post and the .303 is about the same size as the larger round in this post.
My image below shows a .50 cal to the left (chain-link) and the 6.5mm CM as used in this post which is the one with the red and black markings (used to identify my brass as opposed to someone else's.) Next to that on the left is .308 and the others are 22.250, 9mm and .22 calibres. The .50 is about as long as my hand. I'm not saying these calibres are what was in all WWII planes because it wasn't, just two of them.
This is done to render it safe/unusable. I have a hand grenade with a hole drilled in for the same reason.
Thanks for all the information! I wish I still had that shell he bought me way back then. Ah well. As kids we misplace things that we want to have back as adults.
Great attitude!
I'm pretty sure you'll be able to find one online, they turn them into bottle openers and all sorts of things. But it won't be the same, I know.
Also, I don't actually have a hairbrush...my hair stays perfectly in place 24/7. Ok, not really, I use a comb. And now you know something you didn't know. 🤣