No es usual conseguir hongos en las cercanías del lugar donde vivo. Por eso es particular haber observado los cambios que un grupo de hongos experimentó en tan solo dos días. Durante mis caminatas matutinas, disfrutando del aire fresco de la mañana, una temperatura ideal de 22 grados centígrados (71ºF), me encuentro con…
It is not usual to find mushrooms in the vicinity of where I live. That is why it is particular to have observed the changes that a group of fungi experienced in just two days. During my morning walks, enjoying the fresh morning air, an ideal temperature of 22 degrees Celsius (71ºF), and I found with…
Familia de hongos que capto por primera vez en la subida a una pequeña montaña, se aprecian sus hermosas tonalidades en los colores, y su aspecto delicado, razón por la que preferí no tocarlos, sino solamente captar en cámara su esplendor natural.
Family of mushrooms that I capture for the first time on the ascent to a small mountain, its beautiful shades of colors and its delicate appearance can be appreciated, which is why I preferred not to touch them, but only capture their natural splendor on camera.
Al día siguiente, su aspecto era totalmente distinto, tal como apreciamos en la imagen. En esta ocasión, apreciamos una tonalidad más oscura, y su aspecto da la sensación de ser comestibles. La verdad es que ignoro si eran comestibles. Solo quise admirar y compartir su belleza. Espero que ustedes también la disfruten.
The next day, his appearance was completely different, as we can see in the image. On this occasion, we appreciate a darker shade, and its appearance gives the sensation of being edible. The truth is that I do not know if they were edible. I just wanted to admire and share its beauty. I hope you can enjoy it too.
Esta es una segunda familia de hongos, sin embargo, no fue posible captar su progreso debido a que fueron arrancados.
This is a second family of fungi, however it was not possible to capture their progress because they were uprooted.