More of the Aurora....

As almost every knows is that the Aurora made another fantastic appearance on the 10th of October this year, I ended up going out but no where like I did back in may with the last awesome display of natures lightshow.

I've already posted the shots with the camera, however I did shoot some shots on my iPhone 14 pro, I have to say, I am rather impressed with the camera quality, these shots was all done handheld too, which is quite impressive.

I rushed out into the garden, and took an image on my phone, IT HAD STARTED!!!! I'd not been very well as I'd have a viral infection and wasn't feeling myself, anyhow the local weather on the TV stated that it the aurora could be easily visible on that particular night. I was looking through facebook and @fastchrisuk had posted that the aurora had started already, although he was at Flamborough which is a much darker area than where I was.

(This one was shot with my Sony A7iii & Samyang 14mm F/2.8 lens)

We headed out to our local windfarm for some pictures, although not properly dark I managed to get some shots, the cars speeding past on the country road did start to get on my nerves a bit so we decided to head back home for a cuppa to warm up before heading back out again.

Around 9.30pm I went out onto the street, you could clearly see with your naked eye a bit red patch in the sky, so we headed back out, but only 5 mins away onto a local country lane that leads down to a golf club.

What did my head in was idiots like this, they go to look at something in the dark, but then sit there with there headlights on full, doesn't common sense come into force here and realise you have to turn off your lights so your eyes can adjust to see the aurora or anything in low light for that matter lol

Light off, natures lights on lol

The aurora was still kicking off when we went home, both working the following morning so wasn't up too late to see the aurora, but from 1am I heard it got really powerful.

One last shot, this one is more of a meaning, as I stood looking over the fields on houses towards the bright lights of Sheffield, I wondered, is there anyone in the city that could see what I was seeing at this very moment? Drowned out by the bright lights of the city, I wondered if they knew what they were missing, with this cosmic magic that was taking place.

I have now seen my third aurora, the first one was flying back from Canada way back in the year 2000, flying over iceland, I was watching the aurora from the plane window, but just to stand there and see it moving, the shafts of light coming down and the colours, it is a magical thing.


Very beautiful picture, your shot is cool👍

Cool, glad you got it. Roll on clear skies and CME's lol

Wow, wonderful sky! 😱