A Walk In The Mountains....

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Years ago I used to work in a call centre, a monotonous job that I would not recommend that anyone does unless you want your soul destroying. Anyhow, to help pass the time I used to look at google maps, and the 360 images on there to work out photography trips, this was a fair few years ago, and this location has been on my radar for at least 5 years, so today I finally made it there.

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The weather while I've been in Wales hasn't been the best, although we kept checking the forecast for the best day to do this walk, and today looked the best, we planned on getting up at 6am to get there early before the crowds.

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When we awoke, we checked the forecast, rain, but it did say that it would be cloudy with sunny spells from around 10am, we set off just after 8am, it took us about 35 mins or so to get there, but we finally made it, the first hurdle we hit was the parking meter wasn't working, no mobile signal, so couldn't even put anything on that way, however, I saw another carpark and that had a meter that was working, so we parked in there and boom, got our boots on.

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As we walked up from the visitors centre, there was this fantastic waterfall and bridge over it, as we were wanting to get up the path, I only took a couple of shots of the waterfall, not the best composition, but I know where to go the next time to get the shots I want.

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Taking the drone up and looking back from where we have walked, it looks like it's a really long way, but it's not too bad at all, we checked the entire walk around 3.5 miles, it wasn't a difficult walk, but the pathways are really uneven, it was nice to walk on smooth concrete when we got back to the carpark.

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As we got the top of the hill, we were there, at Llyn Idwal, I've only ever seen this place on pictures, and it more dramatic than you think, the mountains are so high, most over 900 meters above sea level, there's also a part of this called the Devil's Kitchen as we got closer to it, you could see a waterfall running out of it, such a great sight, but no good to try and photograph it, not with a 24-105mm lens on at least.

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I took the drone up to 400 feet, and to be honest, that height was dwarfed by the mountains. I loved seeing the waterfalls coming off the tops of the mountains, following them down, when the clouds were covering the mountain tops, it looked like the waterfalls were coming from the sky.

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It was a real sun trap up there, I was hoping for the clouds to come in to get rid of some of the heat, but still such a beautiful place.

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No doubt I will post more shots of this fantastic place, but will go through them when I get home, but for now, I hope you like what I have posted this evening.

Thanks for reading,

All the best :-)


Wow! The photographs you shared with us from Llyn Idwal & Devil's Kitchen in Wales are truly breathtaking! Thank you for sharing them with us.

I'm happy you finally got to visit one of your bucketlist destinations. Keep up the terrific work! @darrenflinders

Manually upvoted & tipu curated

It's just amazing, I'm getting so much inspired by your photography skills 💗

Ufff are tremendous photographs with graduated views no doubt.

Gorgeous place! great pics. Its always so wonderful to fulfill a trip to a location you have been yearning to visit... especially when it turns out so well 🙂

These shots are absolutely stunning mate. Well impressed.

Cheers matey, I was a bit late for the best light as the weather had been bad a couple of hours earlier, so went a bit later than planned, it's a great walk and not too strenuous either.

Well you got some absolute belters mate. You should do a calendar

Thanks mate, I've got an etsy store, don't think people want to buy me prints lol

Yeah, I know that feeling mate. I sell the occasional one, but not enough to warrant putting in the effort to create a store. There's a local guy, he does well with his sales, I mean really well (I think the lowest price is around £60), he has so many images printed and framed ready, but sells a lot of them. But he is the only person I know that actually sells prints every week