So I finally managed to find a spare moment to edit some more images, from the recent (ish... about 3 weeks ago now) photoshoot I took part in over at tankspace (see HERE from when we visited the fist time last year, and HERE for an idea of the setup).
Anyway, this 2nd time we had an opportunity to use the Rain Set, which was interesting...
What do you mean by rain set?
Worry not dear reader, all shall be revealed....
Well to be fair its not actually that difficult to grasp lol. Its a studio set-up (with lights etc) and there are some extra bits and bobs to create the effect of rain.
Eagle eyed readers will recognize the above image from the Monomad post, and to be honest I think I prefer it in colour compared to Black and White.
The set itself was a water proof black surface, with a rig suspended from the ceiling. The big lights were set back behind the rig cause water and electricity don't mix (electrocution is not a good look!) whereas those smaller lights were waterproof, so could be positioned underneath the 'rain'
The lights could be changed all sorts of different colours, and initially looked quite cool, but as the shoot wore on they became increasingly frustrating to work with.
Anyway... now we needed an unsuspecting victim beautiful model to move into position, and we got to work:
In the first image with Drew, we used the striplights to frame the image, whereas with this one of Lucille I edited them out completely. You can actually see some faint outlines near her elbows (I probably should try editing this again lol).
But yeah, its not a bad image eh? It does help that Lucille is very easy on the eye of course...
In the next image the colour of the lights had been changed from an orange, to a weird turquoise colour. I decide this time to increase the saturation to bring out the colour and give a different feel to the image, I think it works better than the plain background.
In fact I liked the effect so much that I used it again on the following model Lanina... it was a funky looking outfit too, with some large waterproof wings
After spending some time with the rain set, we then moved other to the other side of the studio to do the underwater stuff. First Lucille had a go:
And then there was an outfit change and both Lucille and Lanina did some posing together.
I know I'm biased cos its my photo etc... but I think the lighting in the one below was spot on! Its gorgeous! And I think this image shows that the underwater pictures are better than the rain pictures
There is an almost ethereal and other-worldly feel to the way this has turned out. While I like the rain images, the quality of the underwater images speak for themselves.
(the underwater shots were also a lot easier to edit too, which is a bonus!)
What do you think... are the rain images more dramatic, or do the underwater images capture the imagination?

If you have any thoughts or opinions on this article then I'd love to see your comments.
And if you really like the content then maybe you would like to upvote or re-hive it.
Check out my website for more of my work.All Photos taken by @dannewton unless otherwise stated.

These are some really cool shots. It's also nice to see a bit of the behind the scenes to know a bit better what all goes into getting the shots. Thanks for sharing this with us!
Cheers dude, and yep always like to give a little explanation of how I achieved the final image. One of my (admittedly many) Pet Hates, is when some people share 3 or 4 awesome images, and then make no attempt to provide any background info on how they got the image.
I am kinda the same about a pet-hate with that. Since this is a social media blogsite... having the LOG part covered is kind of important, especially for the sake of engagement. Not just being social but engaging the viewers with info. So, thanks for being squared away in those regards! hahaha
Very nice shots! Working underwater is incredibly difficult.
We had to give our artist a few small weights to help her concentrate on the movements rather than keeping herself on the bottom!
It really is, especially when trying to communicate with the model as she can't hear us or see us while underwater... lots of patience required (and thank god for DIGITAL cameras, FILM wouldn't stand a chance!)
Thats interesting with weights, the guy who owned the studio and who helped 'coach' the model suggested she should breath out before holding her breath, so that she would be less buoyant
These are words, this is spectacular, I loved it♥
I'm glad you enjoyed it... the images were hit and miss, but the ones that worked were sensational!
Just love looking at these, especially the last one. It's so cool you got to do this kind of photography.
Thank you, and yes its an absolute joy to be involved in creating these types of images, so different to what I normally photograph
Great series again mate! 👍
Cheers man, glad you enjoyed it!
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