Moon, beautiful moon.

in Photography Lovers11 months ago (edited)

I go out to the patio of my house and I find her, as beautiful by day as by night, as if she were waiting to greet me, as if she were waiting for me to leave, she hides behind some avocado plants, as if she were afraid of being seen, but I ask myself, why should something so imposing hide, then I understand that although today she is not complete, at her maximum splendor, she will be equally seen, she will be equally beautiful.

The moon reminded me that even if we are not at 100 percent, we deserve to show ourselves, that beauty lies in who we are, that no matter what phase we are in, we are important.

There I was contemplating the moon in daylight, as if it were something strange, looking at it from my camera and the 100-400 mm lens.



Camera.Canon 6D Mark II + 100 -400 Canon mm
Natural light.
Revealed.Adobe Lightroom 2022
Location.La Habana, Cuba.


Neat shots, I have always found a fascination with shooting the on using a long telephoto. Its fun to try and get as close as possible and see as much detail as the lens can produce. I think you are right to even at less than 100% there should always be something beautiful to show.

@mmckinneyphoto13 Thank you very much, yes, a large telephoto lens gives you many possibilities and opens up a different world, lately I have been getting to know this and I have really started to fall in love, I have also used it to photograph animals, although I have not yet been able to take full advantage of it. Thanks for stopping by.

Can you please do us a favor and remove the monomad tag from this post, for obvious reasons? 🙂Hello @crisvictorero.

@monochromes Sorry, I had it as a recent tag and it looks like I touched it by mistake. Problem solved.

No worries.
Thank you very much.

My pleasure, I really didn't want to cause problems. See you soon.