Good evening,
Busy days behind me. My voting power even hit 100% for a few times. I shouldn’t have let that happen, I know. And what else did I do? I transferred some of my Hive to buy few moments in NBA Top Shot. Does anyone else collect NBA moments? Looks like hype calmed down a bit, but I am sure it will escalate soon again as it is super fun (profitable) to collect these moments. Well I should dedicate some other post to this theme and concentrate on other theme for today.
I decided to share some of the photos from my Ethiopian journey today again. It was an awesome experience as I already said many times and taking a peek into life of the tribes and just to get impression of how they live is precious. I am sure they do not worry, if they will get opportunity to spent 200 bucks (or 400 Hive) for pack of moments. Well life is complicated, at least the one we know…
You take so many wonderful pictures! You should split them up between more posts so that you can get more upvotes! These are great!
Thanks for stopping by!
Also thank you for your kind advice. I posted that way in the past, but I decided for quality over quantity after a while. I post less, but when I do I try to show a lot.
I would advise the same for you, regardless of upvotes. Good work and effort always pays off.
All these are lovely photos from your travel to Ethiopia. Would love to visit that country some day. I think they are still holding on to their traditional outfit and culture.
Thank you!
It is one of these countries where you can still feel their genuine culture. It is not played or something. That is what I liked the moste from this trip.
Have a nice day!
You are welcome friend.
Your photography is awesome! I love love the photos of the people. Beautiful post.
Thank you. I like people photography as well. Especially taking it, but nature has its special charm as well...
Looks like a beautiful trip!
It was...
I'm not quite sure what you mean by "Does anyone else collect NBA moments?" is it a game? or whatever @crazy-andy mean! But I like this image. Simplicity in making money, with all limitations [a few piles of tomatoes, cayenne pepper, ginger and onions] the girl tries to sell something for money. How do you think of the country of Ethiopia when you visited it Mr.?
Yes, NBA Top Shot is something like a game, but also an investment or collection based event. It become very popular. So far you can also earn a lot from it, but only with investment.
On the photo which you exposed we can see totally oposite thing. How the market actually worked in the past as well. Now some of us are buying something online, which is actually "in the air", but in some places of the World you can only see traditional marketplace.
I was in Ethiopia just before COVID craziness, so in January 2020.
Loved these shots man. They bring back some great memories.
Thank man!
I know what I need to publish, to get your attention :)
Moments that can not be forgotten!
Superb photography of these portraits you always make them look so surreal 👍
Cheers mate!
You always make it to check our my posts and support my work!
You always have interesting stuff which i like 😉
And thank you for your support also 👍
Amazing photos! It is always amazing to see other cultures. Thank you for sharing!
It is awesome that we have so many cultures on the World and that they are so different from each other. Africa is continent which offers so much...
Word on that! Hope to see those places once in a lifetime.
These portraits are so good! I always want to take more closeup videos and photos of locals when I travel as of late and I'm always struggling to ask anyone if I can take a photo of them. I end up never getting any and regret not asking anyone if they could pose for me.. 😀
You know how it goes...
If you don't ask, you can't profit!
So make sure you ask next time and I am sure you will get a lot of positive answers. In places like most of Africa, that is even easier as you can bribe them with some sweets or goodness.
Hehe that sounds awesome! I feel locals here outside of the big cities won't have a problem.. it's just my introvert self being shy to ask is all. 😀
Your voting power hit 100% and mine got drained below the 50% treshold so my autovoting was not working when you posted this stunning photo collection. Sorry about that, just fixed it! :) Truly amazing pictures here.
You are active, I know that.
Nice to hear that you caught my post anyway and I am grateful for your support as always.
Enjoy your Sunday!
Priceless faces aren't they? Great job as usual Andy, cheers.
I have to take more time and do a proper write up one day and have a travel story like you.
Your work is really awesome and brings added value to our blockchain!
It's always nice to read that plus the great news of Hive sky rocketing. I get a feeling it enters a new promising era.
Hello dear friend @ crazy-andy good night
Time is a very precious and scarce commodity that the vast majority of people lack.
This is a place that I would love to visit, I have heard a lot about it.
I appreciate that you let us know these photographs.
Congratulations on your choice of travel
I take this opportunity to wish you a splendid weekend
Thank you @jlufer for your time to stop by and leave a comment.
I definitely recommend to visit Ethiopia. People there are so special. It is hard to get similar experience anywhere else. You can see nice landscape or cityscape on many spots, but people are unique.
Have a great weekend as well!
I really appreciate that you gave these details, it makes me want to visit this place one more dear friend @ crazy-andy
have a nice sunday
Those pictures depicts several emotions, I adore your photography skills!
Keep flourishing.
Thank you very much.
I appreciate your kind words!
Have a nice one...
Sensational photos.
Strong word!
Thank you!
I am absolutely speechless! How did you even mange to get to a place like this, not to mention National Geographic quality photos. These people are beautiful 💖
By airplane :) Haha
I was searching for some exotic destination and decided for Ethiopia. Other one was Papua New Guinea. But I hope I will viait Papua soon as well.
Thank you for kind words!
You are so funny! I didn't know that regular people can go there. I thought you have to be with some an charitable organisation. Anyway, my pleasure! I love all of your photos and best of luck with your Papua plan.
It must feel like a privilege to be able to do this kind of photography. I wonder what the signs on the woman's left arm meant, they looks like scars, but in an embellished way
Well it is different to walk around Africa and visiting tribes there. Each one has something unique. One of them has whipping for their tradition as you already noticed. People there are crazy in some ways, at least looking through eyes of a modern people...
Oh my I think there is almost like a cultural shock to see such a different way to look at life. I can't recall exactly where I have read about a tribe in Africa where women were put a sort of a ring around their neck from an early age in order to make it longer and longer. For me it was a shock to see that, but for them it is probably normal.
I can confirm that mentioned tribe really exists and there are even weirder things around there :)
Ouchh it hurts only to look at lol. I saw this kind of thing in a documentary. Scary to look at. For them it is probably like a piercing would be for us, average
Fantastic photos! When I see your photos, I really want to go back to Africa.....
Don't say...
Everytime I am writing a post I get pulled into African adventure in my head and want to go there as fast as I can.
Know what you mean.... Can't help it...planning for Botswana....
Even though if I totally missed the post...Still these are really great photos...Keep going!
Don't worry, there will be more posts from my side!
Thanks for stopping by!