Portrait of a praying Mantis taken in Pune, India. I spent a good hour with this specimen. They are wonderful subjects, very responsive and friendly.(Image not shown due to low ratings)
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These are some great macro shots! Thanks for sharing your secret method with us as well as the locations and descriptions for the images! Great job once again.
Apparently not! I like that you think outside the box and have some tricks of the trade to show for it! Great job.
This is amazing. I love the color difference with the Mantis being green and the pink background. The dog daisy to me reminds me of Alice in Wonderland. They almost look like they have faces on them. Also, that spider!!!! Wow, that detail is soooooo cool. I can't believe how you captured that. All the little fuzz/hairs are so distinct. Thanks for sharing.
This close up photos look really nice! It seems impossible to catch this on camera!
This is pretty amazing actually given the detail and fineness in these photos. I’ll have to check out your blog and see if you posted anything about exactly how you use your set up. I would be interested in reading about that.
Some beautiful shots in here @cottonlazarus
"I shoot all my macro by reversing cheap $5 vintage lenses I find in thrift/ charity shops. You can buy a reverse ring on Amazon for $2, with a flash and cardboard box diffuser, it's all about perseverance."
Any chance you've shown your shooting setup before in a post/would you mind sharing it at some point if not? I'd be quite interested to see it.