Are you talking about my penis? Because it's very very very very small. Like a little shiny pink bean.
My cajones on the other hand....
bigger than most men's.
well that took a turn
Sorry I made you cry.
Are you talking about my penis? Because it's very very very very small. Like a little shiny pink bean.
My cajones on the other hand....
bigger than most men's.
well that took a turn
Sorry I made you cry.
Whoa! How'd we get from...reading small print to eyes to penis to small penis?
If they aren't gold, it means nothing. Mine are gold.
Go ahead and cry now, I know you want to.
I'm not afraid to cry. I keep extra tears in my cajones in case I'm ever at a loss.
No, not gold. Not really a gold person. More silver. Or chocolate-coated because who doesn't love that.
If you keep those tears long enough, they'll become amber.
If you had a choice between surgical steel, gold, or platinum ($$$) what would you choose? I think I thought I saw you chose surgical steel.
Seems the least likely to give me a rash or turn my crotch green.
TMD...but, since you reminded me of what I was looking at today that involved crotch and green, here's a teaser clip so you can see, see?
Those are some very erect little rosemary needles. Or needless. Or thankless.
Or tired.
Um, well, Um, that's actually not a herbaceous plant, it's shrubbery erections, needlessly unthankless
Tree board tired though.
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