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RE: the road to self-forgiveness is not paved

in Photography Lovers6 months ago

Oh, girrrrrrl, I have tindered and bumbled and plenty of fished and all that shit and it's so not for me. I really loathe dating.

It's totally true what you say about the mindfuck of toxic relationships. Really, though, I genuinely don't want to see date or fuck or relationship (read as a verb) anyone. For me, right now, being single is da shit.

I'm glad, though, that you found your dear darling. 💕 You two seem like a good fit, going by what I have gleaned from your posts...


I miss being single too, sometimes (when I'm pissed off)

Relationships areeeeeeeee daaaaaaaamn haaaaaard on daily base, there is always something to work on.

We are until we get in fight :D

The grass is always greener on the other side unless SOMEBODY forgot to water their side again after he promised to do it...

I miss being single too, sometimes (when I'm pissed off)

I laughed!

The grass is always greener on the other side unless SOMEBODY forgot to water their side again after he promised to do it...

I love updated watering version!