Some Photos From a Trip To a Sculpture Museum

Hi Friends,


India is a country with diversified culture, different religions, known for many gods for different communities within a religion and has a great history as for as culture is considered whether it's folklore or festivals celebration or even clothing.
Well all this buildup is to provide you few snaps I took of a trip to a Folklore Sculpture Resort near to my hometown Dharwad in Karnataka state of India.
Frankly speaking, we planned for a trip to a Folklore University situated at about 35 KMS with place known as Gotagodi. But, to our bad luck, the University was closed due to Corona CoVid Pandemic and we were very disappointed.
To our luck, there was a resort just about 200 meters away from that university known as Utsav Rock Garden which actually is a resort with 1000+ sculptures depicting the Folklore of India especially Karnataka.


OK, let's not waste more time in reading, let's go to the captures one by with a little description of each of these photos captured.
A picture of 2 village ladies using a Pestle for grinding the seeds as we can see below:


We can also see different art works and structure of a village house in the background.


Here we can see another picture with 2 more ladies grinding grains may be jowar or wheat or some pulses using a hand mill and even now also, we can see such hand mills in many houses in villages.



A goldsmith is working on some ornament and the lady is giving her chain for polishing it to get it more shiny.
These sculptures looks so real, background includes all those god's photos.



Another day to day routine activity photo, here the astrologer is telling about the future of the lady sitting infront of him.



Oh, here is a typical village grocery shop with everything visible over there.
We can see smile of shop owner and him trying to measure some item.



We have reached an APMC market where people are trying to sell their animals.
When the price of the Ox needs to be discussed between seller and buyer, we can see that, they are using a towel and discussing about the price in a secret way :)



Here is another one from the market where all the activities related to animals are being carried out. We can see the guy with green shirt is trying to check the teeth of the Ox so as to check it's age!!! The person on extreme right is smoothing the horns of the Ox.
Do you believe these are the sculptures, we can't make out much from these pictures, because the sculptures looks very natural and real and each and every item is crafted carefully to give that natural look.



We move into the room with buffaloes and who says these are not real?



Here is a pic with typical village sports and here we can see the Indian wrestling where 2 wrestlers are trying smash each other to become a winner.
We can see the expressions of the spectators and those makes it look like a real one.



We move into an feeding place for cows and oxes and that one on extreme left looks a bit of angry one, isn't it? As we see, there is a common feeding place with dry paddy leaves being fed to the animals.



Let's try to calm the crying baby by making her sleep in that colorful cradle :).
That cradle is a typical one we use for babies and the



Next one shows the beautiful Indian traditional sports of Mallakambh where gymnasts perform aerial yoga to showcase their talent.



There were not just houses and people, but there are sculptures of animals from rabbits to pigs and lion and tiger to elephant, we could see almost all the animals sculptures are there.
Here is one with Kangaroos and that pouch of mother Kangaroo to hold baby Kangaroo can be seen clearly.



Next in line is a photo captured of a sculpture of a devotee of god offering his prayers called as pooja to the god.



Another gymnastics sculptures photo here, village people are known to lift such huge rock made balls and exhibit their power.



Oh, this is another natural looking sculpture of a laundry woman carrying clothes on her head and also using a Donkey to carry the clothes to the source of water.
Observe the roof top of the house and a blue bird sitting over there.



A typical lake and cows being fed on the sides of the lake and a person is trying to give bath to the buffaloes. Do you feel the picture?



Another set of animals sculptures, a tall Giraffe seen here eating the leaves from a taller tree, there are couple of Deer are also there with a wild Buffalo.



Lastly, there is a bullock cart carrying few people who are probably moving from farm to their house as they are carrying some bags of grains, may be.
There were many sculptures of great Kannada actor Dr. Rajkumar which I missed to capture.


Wow, it's a must visit place to get ourselves refreshed from busy schedules and enjoy the village life thru these sculptures.


This is my first blog on Photography Lovers community. I would like to thank the mods and Admin of this group and I wish you all bloggers of this community a Good day :)


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These are nice photos but unfortunately have nothing to do with leofinance.

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It has become an habit to include leofinance in all my blogs, I will change that from now onwards.

Thanks for the suggestion, have a good day :)

Thank you, you too.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

This is a really nice collection and true depiction of our culture. Very realistic, the buffalos were looking so real. This gives a glimpse of our old days, people living in villages and different merchants.
Thanks a lot for sharing it with us. Appreciate it.
!LUV 1

Thank you @harpreetjanda, it is indeed a good collection and whatever I shared is not even 10% total sculptures there, it's a vast area and includes almost all the things villagers use.

Thanks for the LUV :)

I had never seen a museum with sculptures of this magnitude, the truth was a very laborious and valuable work, they represent very well each activity, it is incredible.

Thank you, it's kinda open space than a 4 walled museum spread across many acres of land and it's an ongoing process for them as they keep adding new sculptures frequently.

It almost took a day's time to view all those.

Thanks for encouragement, appreciate that.

Have a good day :)

So much work has gone into those sculptures, amazing! Must be a huge site!

Atleast 50 acres of land is being used for this activity which takes almost a day for a complete view of all the sculptures.
Worth a visit to just get refreshed from busy schedules :)

Good day bro.

The museum tells us many stories. A good post

Thank you, yes, it seems it has got some 8 international awards over the years.

Worth the money for a day's family outing as it gives an overview of rich Indian culture, especially the village people's living and their activities.

i hope that i can visit that museum too

Oh, why not, you can always come to India when the Corona is over :)
Just kidding, yeah, it's a nice one, you can plan to visit, I have shared the location details as links in my blog.

What I shared are just 10 to 15% only, if you search for Utsav Rock Garden, you can see many other sculptures uploaded by them.

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