Just Fucking Around

I used to sleep at the foot of Old Glory
And awake in the dawn's early light
But much to my surprise when I opened my eyes
I was a victim of the great compromise
--John Prine

Was pondering one of life's great mysteries, 'the fuck do I do with sparklers after fireworks day is over?' recently after rediscovering a pack I'd bought months ago on a whim. If I'd had a few hundred more I could have just taped them up in a nice tight bundle with one sticking out for a fuze and made what the ATF lovingly refers to as an 'destructive device.' With neither the sparklers nor the desire to have any more run-ins with the alphabet boys, I just put the wide angle on and set the tripod up for some long exposures.

Why do I keep fucking up?
--Neil Young

Took about two (shrinkflation) boxes of sparklers to figure out I was just fucking around. Had nothing in particular in mind when I headed out for this shoot and I quickly achieved it. Got four more boxes left, so once I put together a plan that isn't random loops and profanity I'll have to give it another shot. Random side note: That glowing rectangle at center right is the same window the SWAT team was busting out in this post.

Send lawyers, guns, and money
The shit has hit the fan
--Warren Zevon

Sometimes you're just an excitable boy and need lawyers, guns, and money occasionally. Or to take a selfie. Had sacrificed enough sparklers to the squiggle gods for one night, switched to a grill lighter for this. Turned out badly enough that I kinda like it. And now for something completely different.

When the smoke seems to clear, you can say what you want
We're all criminals here
--my Uncle Tupelo

These last couple photos may look a bit familiar, I've posted a monochrome version already. Generally black and white is my preference but in the case of these two I like the color version much better. Since we're just fucking around it seemed only appropriate to include them, see if anyone made it past the long exposures.

Well most things that I know, I didn't learn in class
The road don't go forever, so ride it while it lasts
If you're gonna raise a ruckus, one word of advice
If you're gonna do wrong buddy do wrong right
--Devil Makes Three

That's enough fucking around for one fucking day, it up and got fucking late. See y'all around.


Well, another thing I like about you is you have fucking good taste in music. It's been about 45 years since I got visited by a swat team. It was Lincoln County WA and I knew all the guys so it really was more of a visit than anything...

So. 4 boxes of sparklers. Is that enough to fine tune the portrait of Hunter S Thompson? Do not forget the cigarette holder...

So you are still alive and kickin! I blame it all on the dive bars. Ha, nice! There weren't nearly as many swat teams then I don't reckon. Never had them come for me specifically, was always my neighbors or folks I knew. The church siege in 2020 involved the feds so I don't see how swat wasn't involved but they weren't there for me specifically. By the end of that year the swat team and I were quite familiar with one another but I wouldn't say that we actually knew each other. Just had lots of photos of one another...

Now that sounds like a proper challenge! Never been much count at drawing, may well take more than four boxes. Shouldn't be too much of a problem, you ever make a run up I-65? Once you cross the Ohio into Indiana you can get anything you want, as long as it is fireworks, guns, porn, or corn. There's Jesus too, but he don't keep the same hours. Gonna have to plan for that, you have to know in advance exactly what you're going to do, scribbling mirror image four letter words is difficult enough.

Oklahoma and Idaho are both closer. Not as much corn, either :)

Yeah. I have enough trouble remembering which hand to put the L on my forehead with. Wrong hand makes a statement I don't really like :)

It wasn't much of a raid at my place. 0330 and I was awake but not up. My dog was fussed up so I went to the door with nothing but a pistol in hand. My friend who was in charge held off on the warrant service for a minute so I could put on a pair of pants and take off the pistol. They told me it was a dope warrant so I laughed and made them coffee...They didn't find any because there wasn't any.

Ha, yeah, Indiana isn't as arid or mountainous as Idaho but otherwise it's hard to tell the difference.

That sounds like how things go where I grew up. It's a bit different here although they share the same fondness for raiding in the middle of the night. Always seemed like a good way to get shot accidentally to me. Knew a Cornbread boy who claimed to have gotten the sheriff's home address put on his driver's license, so if they got a warrant for him it'd be there that got raided.

Best use of sparklers ever


Thank ya!

Nice fucking post.

Many fucking thanks.

Good to see you're still keeping fucking busy.

Good to see you're still fucking around. Busy keeps the fucking alphabet boys away.

A lot of us did not learn most of the things we know in school
It’s based on life experiences and our intellect…

Very true. Some folks seem to get that mixed up with other things though.

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