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RE: Green, but orange

First, I wish I could take photos as good as these. So your shite would be my goal,haha.

Now for the questions. I have had many failures in many roles of my life. All of which I must take full ownership of, even the ones when I was not in my right mind and had my mental break. After my mental break, when I lost friends and family members and almost lost my wife, I finally admitted to and sought help for my mental health challenges. The people I was mean to, disappointed, and broke hearts all are justified in their grudges against me to this day. I understand this and own it. I make no excuses. I knew I needed help long before I broke, I just refused to admit it. Everyone around me told me I shoudl get help, but I just pushed them away and refused to listen. To admit I was not mentally right to me meant I was a failure and I refused to accept that. But what I ultimately learned is that refusing to accpet it lead to real failure and a big failure at that.
