Smoky Pumpkins

in Photography Lovers5 months ago

Hi fellow Hiveians,

Today I wanted to share some photos I took last year but didn't really get to post most of them, until now!


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Smoky Pumpkins

Halloween time is pretty fun, at least for those who celebrate it. I know pretty much everyone on here is aware of what Halloween is, where people dress up in scary stuff and go around looking for candy. It's a lot of fun for the kids, and for the parents who are interested in their kids lives as well. The other cool part about it though are the decorations and this is definitely one of the cool ones!

We've not bought a house yet, so we don't have the ability to show off things like this but we are definitely looking forward to when we can! Stuffing a Jack-O-Lantern with some smoke bombs and lighting them every so often is going to be a really cool thing when we do get to that point. In the meantime, we will enjoy some photos of them with the various colors of smoke instead!


As I'm writing this, I'm thinking of ways that we could step this up next year. The smoke and carving on the pumpkin is pretty awesome, but I am thinking it would be an awesome idea to add some spooky lights inside the pumpkin! It would be pretty cool to add some type of alternating LED light inside, or even just a single colored light but having the light in there as well would give it some pretty intense dramatic effects, on top of the smoke!

The smoke bombs that we've got are pretty cool, got them offline but they come in a variety of colors. I think there are orange, purple, black, grey, green, blue and red if I'm not mistaken. Each of them has different unique ways to display the colors. I think this one here is purple, or a combination of grey and purple. We did some cool combo ones to highlight the ways that the different ones could be combined. Some of it worked out, some of it was kind of lame haha.


I think my favorite aspect of it is the way that the smoke twists and turns in the air. It gives you an idea of how complicated airflow can be! There are so many aspects to the simple air that we breathe, but since we can't see it, it really goes completely unnoticed. Looking at the smoke here and all of the ways that it floats up and around in crazy directions, displays and patterns is really awesome.

What I think is really cool is the way that the smoke has a bit of a wall pattern to it. The smoke got blown infront of the pumpkin but you can see all of the different components of the air really well. We don't really ever consider how complex the air around us we breathe in on a daily basis, really is! I know I certainly haven't but looking at the way the smoke billows around really makes you appreciate and wonder at how wonderfully complex nature is!


I think the green is my favorite of the colors. It is so vibrant and stands out really well against the background as well as the pumpkin. I find it fascinating the way that the crazy and random patterns just explode out of the pumpkin. It is how the air is just flowing on a normal day and basis. We just can't see it until we fill it with intentionally thicker smoke like this so that we can get a real appreciation for how random yet orderly it is!

I am trying to think of how I could step up the pumpkin smoke bombs a little bit. Do you have any suggestions for what we could do to make it more interesting? I'd love to hear in the comments!


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-CmplXty. Real human written content, never AI. All pictures are mine unless otherwise stated

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wow! something new!
never have seen such an idea
looks cool!

Thanks! My wife found the idea and I love it!

Love the smoke
The pictures are cute!

Thanks! Yeah it was a lot of fun!


Indeed it was!