Lviv, Part 2. Львів, Частина 2 (EN/UA)

Greetings my lovely readers!

Вітаю своїх читачів!

I was a bit too lazy last few weeks, so despite I had the photos I didn't feel like editing them, but today is the day!

Я був трохи аж занадто лінивим кілька останніх тижнів, тому хоч я й мав всі ці знімки, я щось не мав настрою, аби відредагувати їх, але сьогодні настав цей день!

When I was going down the High Castle the Sun already started to set, so I caught some "warm" moments.

Коли я спускався з Високого Замку, сонце вже почало сідати, тому мені вдалося зловити декілька "теплих" моментів.

I'm not a stalker or some pervert, it just happened that there were three girls in front of me, don't judge me pls. 😁

Я їх не переслідував, і не є збоченцем, це просто так трапилось, що переді мною було три молоді панянки, так шо не осуджуйте мене за це фото. 😁


I have no idea why, but I just love how sunlight reflects from the road, there is some coziness to it.

Не знаю, чому, але мені дуже подобається, як сонце відбивається від асфальту, в цьому є щось "затишне", чи що...


When I reached the Market Square there were lots of peeps and this guy, I guess he is the famous Aquaman? 🤔

Коли я спустився до Площі Ринок, там було багацько люду, і цей пан. Здається, це той знаменитий Аквамен? 🤔


I then remembered cool tricks of pro photographers - shooting from the ground, so I decided to try this technique out, it was a bit embarassing, because I was there kneeling and peeps were looking at me. But I don't care, art requires sacrifices!

Потім я згадав круті трюки професійних фотографів - робити знімки на рівні землі, тому я вирішив спробувати цю техніку. То було трохи незручно, бо я там стояв майже на колінах, і всі навколо дивились на мене, але мені все одно, бо мистецтво вимагає жертв!


Next time I'll try to take more interesting pictures, but for now - thanks for your time, and of course I'd be happy for any critique! 😉

Наступного разу спробую сфотаграфувати щось цікавіше, а наразі дякую за увагу, та як завжди - будь яка критика вітається!😉


These were some beautifully framed shots. I really liked the composition. The focus could have been a little better in the first one... but i love the way the red hair was shining in the sunlight. I could see how focusing is hard if you are nervous about being a stalker! hahahha Thanks for sharing and keep up the great work. Looking forward to seeing more.

Focusing is the biggest problem so far, especially when there is something closer to me, while I’m shooting something that is farther from me. The last picture has this issue too I guess, because the focus is on the floor while I intended to focus farther.

I think that last image is more interesting because of that angle and that the focus was closer... so it made you have to consider what to focus on as the image leads your eyes forward into the frame.

Mastering the focus is a neverending endeavor. I think controlling the focus to be clear where you want it to be is probably the most important thing a photographer can learn. I find it more difficult with digital equipment to control the focus when your camera wants it to be somewhere else. But then again i don't have the best equipment either! hahaha

Keep up the great work and i think you did very well with these.

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