Several photos of cats taken during the last November trip. All cats were fed after the photo session. The cat in the first 4 photos looks like a domestic cat, but nevertheless ate two whole bags of food. Then he rubbed himself gratefully against our legs. And the white cat is obviously wild, he approached the food only when we had moved some distance away. But when he finished eating, he meowed contentedly.😃
The white cat is a she 😁 colour genes in the cat are on the X-chromosome so females can have more than one colour. White colours are just albinism although it seems that she has skin cancer on her ears, because of the lack of pigment on the skin. That's a large problem with white cats here because the sun is so harsh
Oh, interesting. I didn't think that you could tell a cat's gender by its color. And about the ears... anything is possible. There's a chance that she just froze them off during the cold winter.
Oh, I never thought that ears could freeze off 😱 Yes that's an interesting thing about cats and rarely, a male will be born with 2 colours but then that means that they are genetic abnormalities with XXY genes and they are unable to father kittens
Here the temperature sometimes drops to -30 -35 Celsius. Especially at night. In more northern regions, it can be below -40 degrees... Here, not only ears can freeze, but also tails and paws... Naturally, animals living in such extreme conditions are more resilient, but without human help they have a very hard time.
That is, if I understood correctly - if I see a multi-colored cat, then with a high degree of probability it is a female.? And if the cat is one-colored, then it is a male.
Yes, cats that have a mixture of orange and black or orange and grey or brown are female and called Calico or Tortoiseshell in english. In general, most orange cats are male, female orange cats are rare but there are many single-coloured females of other colours too and the white colour doesn't count
A plump country cat in the winter frost. Even though he is a domestic cat, he did not refuse a treat. Photo from last winter

He reminds me of a Pallas cat
You can certainly see a big difference between these two cats, I think you are right in thinking that the first one is a domestic cat, it certainly looks like one. No doubt the pictures of both cats are beautiful!
The one that is well-fed - he lives in the village, in the fresh air. He most likely eats natural products, not store-bought food.🙂