Hey Folks
Last week I found this cool little antique's warehouse in a village in North Yorkshire.
The shop and its many unique items made for some unique photo opportunities which I figured you guys might enjoy seeing....
A collection of old ceramic bottles and jars make this look like a shelf from a wartime store.
A deckchair which looks like its made for a giant...the badminton racket in the background gives some idea of the scale...this chair is huge!
Where else can you go to find old signs ,a Texaco gas pump that looks like its from the 1950's and a battery powered army truck?
O'Connell Street is the main thoroughfare in the centre of Dublin in Ireland. I was very tempted to buy this street sign but it likely costs more than I could afford.
There were a few mirrors positioned around the warehouse which offered some opportunities for interesting photos with backwards lettering :)
I'm not sure what this sign is for but I'm going to guess the language is Spanish?
This stained glass window is also a very tempting purchase , unfortunately at £1495 its a bit out of my price range...
These quint little ceramics are more in my price range.
A close up of the wartime store shelf
A mirror image shot of the vintage wartime ceramics...
A rather handsome large clock sits on the floor tucked away in a corner perpetually reading 39 minutes past 2
I guess this is the only opportunity I will ever have to take a shot of a vintage car pulled by a rocking horse which is being ridden by a Formula 1 driver down Long Street...
Another collection of vintage signs...
A treasure chest! I wonder what is inside?
This area is laid out like a bedroom...
A shot of the warehouse from the upper floor...The Hawaiian style Parasol looks cool, definitely something I would purchase for my garden.
A noticeboard with a collection of articles about the store and its owner.
And lastly a shot of the cobweb covered vintage cart....this thing looks haunted!
That is a lot of different objects!
Thanks for sharing all of them with us in Photography Lovers community!
My pleasure :)
I figured you guys would appreciate the uniqueness of these shots.