A wild strawberry, to me, is just a Strawberry growing in the wild. Here in Sweden a wild Strawberry has a name and it's Smultron! Smultrons are miniature berries and a tinier and sweeter version of the common Strawberry! I was amazed to find these when i first came here. They smell like CrunchBerries from Cap'N'Crunch Berry cereal!!!
This post is really a follow-up to my last photographic post Castleberry-Crunch, where i talk about the Smultrons and 'Chester CopperPot'. This post also empties the memory card i had in my camera. I hope you enjoy these visuals!
These were shots i took not too long after the ones from the post linked above. They were taken a month or two ago though...

Killer Tomatoes
Well, Tomatoes are actually berries. That tripped me out to find out. I knew they were a fruit and not a vegetable... but a berry was the last thing i expected. We grew some beefsteak tomatoes this year and last year. Here are a few early shots of what our plant was putting out this year! We got one or two good ones last year... but this year is looking more promising. We just picked this one and it is not disappointing.

I have some news...
But, i am going to save the news for a later post. For now, enjoy the random shots i took of a flower bouquet, some weird plants that root well in water, and more Smultron & Tomato shots!
I tried to get some interesting angles and adjust the settings to maximize the lighting as best i could. I think most of these turned out fairly decent.
Killer Tomatoes

Bunz Hun!!!

Voltron Smultron
For some reason the name 'Smultron' has always reminded me of the name Voltron. I wasn't the biggest fan as a kid of Voltron... but still! Here are the rest of the shots from Chester CopperPot.
One of my favorite things about these shots is how the seeds are so clearly visible on the surface of the Smultron berries. With normal Strawberries the seeds are within the dimples that encompass the whole of the berry's surface area. With these, at least at this stage of development, they are protruding from the surface of the berry in an obvious way.
And that does it. That is all for the shots i took at this stage of development. I leave you with a Voltron gif and my favorite image of the post! Thanks for stopping by and taking the time to check out my shots.
Voltron Smultron

Here is my favorite shot of the post:
I didn't select that for the thumbnail.. but i would like to hear or see which image is your favorite down in the comments. Thanks again for stopping by and see you again next time! And i won't forget to share my news either!
Bye Bye Now

Hello, the photos are very pretty and the smultrons are completely different from the fruits found at my house. I would be curious to see what a transplant would give between the one found at my house and the one found at yours. My favorite photo in all that you took is this one. I like the contrast of the bright red with the black earth below and the blistering around it makes the fruit look oddly shaped.
The photos of tomatoes are also beautiful.
Are there cuttings in the glass? I think I recognize the plant my mother grew one in her house inside. It made pretty flowers but it took a long time
I did like the framing of the image you chose as your favorite! These berries would be could to cross-breed with your local variety. They are pretty easy to pollinate.
I have many of them growing in a giant copper pot. I let them grow out of the pot and attach to the ground. Then i move the pot somewhere else leaving behind some on the ground wherever the pot has been. It's a cool way to spread them into the yard.
Those are cuttings in a glass. They are easy to root when they are in water for a couple of weeks. Thanks for stopping by and taking the time to comment!
I recently grew some strawberries that looked exactly like the ones in this post. They tasted like candy. Sadly, only about five of them grew, and I didn't take nice pics.
Dude, they will grow like crazy if you get them going! They are just like candy and the smell they give off is magical. They are pretty small, like the size of a pinky finger-nail. Thanks for stopping by and taking the time to mention your experience. Cheers browski!
I've never tasted strawberries like these ones. The plants are still alive so hopefully I can coax them into a second harvest. Enjoy yours!
My favorite are all the strawberry photos! I love strawberries but I don't like tomatoes, only on pizza.
Tomatoes taste better the older you get. They are great on tacos too! Don't give up on tomatoes.... one day they might taste good for you. I have a tiny kind of tomato that is yellow and it tastes just like candy. Maybe you should try those kinds. =)
I like tacos! Yellow tomato tastes like candy??! I think I'll try but a little bit later.
Smultrons? First time that I see them as we don't have them here in South Africa. Will have to do some research to see if we can get seeds to grow some here.
Lovely shots of the berries btw.
It was the first time i saw them when i came here to Sweden. As far as i know, we don't have any of these wild Smultrons back in Texas. Thanks for stopping by and the beer!

Ah, okay as I thought that you resided in Sweden. So, you are actually a Texan cowboy !LOLZ
Min favorit är ju smultronen, som är över för den här sommaren. Vi får vänta till nästa gång de kommer.....
Dessa bilder togs tillbaka när de precis skulle komma! Ser fram emot nästa odlingssäsong.
Never saw this strawberry before. And Tomatoes are Berries too? haha I too Was aware of them being fruits but not berries. We too had that "weird" plant with green purple leaves in our old house. Lots of them. Nice Shots, Mate!! Thanks for Sharing!! :D
They are excellent photographs, very difficult to choose just one. I love the first ones with that red colour, it's great but if I only have to choose one, of the pink flowers, the second one, I'm amazed.
Thank you @castleberry 😀
The pink flower shots could have been better if i had taken more time. I rarely, if ever, use the flash... and it did an ok job that time. Pink can be a tough color for my camera to register. In the end, i thought the focus was off just a bit... almost enough to leave them out. But, now with your comment, i am glad i left those shots in the mix.
Thanks for stopping by and sharing your comments.
Well pink is my favourite colour, then red, and flowers and nature fascinate me.
I loved your shots!😍
Those wild strawberries really look different from the normal ones, I can't help but wonder what they taste like. Your tomatoes are so healthy, beautiful pics
They end up looking pretty similar, just much smaller in the end. They taste almost as good as they smell. If you have ever seen or tasted CapNCrunch Cereal... it smells just like a crunchberry. hahaha
Those are some nice looking tomatoes. Mine never turn out that well. I didn't even plant any this year.
There was one hero and there are a few more coming after... but it's not a righteous bounty or anything. Just a couple of plants in some containers. Thanks for stopping by and commenting browski!
Like I said, still better than my garden!
Tomatoes are actually berries?! Didn’t expect that. Didn’t investigate further too. I just believe what I read from your post. That’s so unexpected though, being berries.
Just look at the size of the tomato and the strawberries. Big and small. So maybe not berries at all 😂
Great photos!! I think I like the tomato and strawberries best.
Okay I realized it’s hard to take the photo link using mobile 😅 But those macro shots are best!
I heard a quote that was funny saying... knowledge is knowing that a tomato is a fruit but wisdom is knowing not to put a tomato in a fruit salad. hahaha

But when i pulled up some info and added that link i read it's a berry too. I guess it makes sense scientifically... i just never considered. hahaha
Wow, until now I had never heard of a Smultron. You learn something new everyday!
Thanks for sharing, your photography skills are amazing.
Is farming a hobby of yours bro? In my place it's very hard to grow most of the vegetables. They need proper care and fertilizers. Most of the plants I bought didn't survive that long xd. We have an insect problem here.
Our tomatoes look very different. It's usually in a spherical shape unlike the one you share with us here. By the way I also didn't know that they were berries xd.
Actually, farming would be a hobby if i had a bit more land. We just have a small garden and some containers. Nature does most of the hard work... i just move some dirt around and water. hahaha Insects can always be a problem for growing stuff anywhere! These tomatoes are a particular heirloom variety. The 'BeefSteak' tomato can get super huge! We also have some small bell shaped ones and then some cherry tomato ones which are small and round.
Thanks for taking time to comment and for stopping by!

Never heard of such tomatoes before. Honestly I'm not surprised because per kilo of normal ones are very expensive these days.
I am gonna be growing some tomatoes next year. My wife and I had BLTs last night with fresh garden tomatoes that a friend gave us and they are so much better than store bought.
Truly, way better! Definitely look for heirloom seeds. You can get all kinds of stuff that's tastier and healthier. Check this place out with free shipping in the US. I would recommend the beefsteak tomato plant. If you apply your weed horticulture skills to the tomatoes, you could probably get some killer crops! @derangedvisions i forgot to leave the link.
Smultron... sounds like a robot/mecha name for me 😆
Yes! They are not veggies, but fruit! 😁
You really like berries, huh. 😆
It has always sounded mecha to me too. I think that's why i like their name so much. Berry is in my actual name... so i have always kind of favored them. ahha
Thanks for stopping by!
I had never heard of Smultrons before reading your post. I am now on a mission to find them here in the UK. Those tomatoes look massive. Fab images and a really interesting read sir.
I lived in Stockholm in the Sixties for almost 5 years. Hunting for berries and mushrooms was one of the things our group of friends engaged in on weekends. We would eat our harvest right away, mushroom omelettes and the various berries either with ice cream or in smoothies. For the blueberries we always had a wooden picker with us, that looked a bit like this:
As for Smultron - did you see this film: SMULTRONSTÄLLET
Good to see you back in action, Otto! I have not seen that movie... but i asked Mandragora88 about it and she has seen it. The berries, mushrooms, and Swedish Summers are some of my favorite things here. I bet the 60s was an amazing time to be in this neck of the woods! hahaha Thanks for stopping by. I'm gonna have to get me one of them pickers!
Haha, it is nice seeing they are worth it. I love each shot. They feel so real I think I can feel them.
Thanks for the kind words! It's always nice to empty the memory card in my camera so i can get a fresh start! I hope to get even better shots to share soon. I appreciate you stopping by.
You earned it. You blessed us with great views. I hope you do. And, you are welcome ☺️. Thanks for sharing too.
Now this is the one I would love to try, is good to see that strawberries grow over there, it is imported over here sadly.
The plants look nice
Well, out of all, it is the strawberry that caught my attention
It looks so red and colorful
Yes, the mini strawberries were cool. Probably the most interesting things to look at in these shots! But the plants were cool too. Thanks for stopping by and commenting!
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