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RE: Photos of me and my daughter

in Photography Lovers10 months ago

First, what you did is not a mistake. Copy and Pasting words from somebody else's blog or website and passing it off as your own content is wrong. It is plagiarism and theft.

All you had to do was source the words you used from somebody else. Also, to pass of images that are not yours is also plagiarism and theft.

To say thank you to somebody for doing what is inherently wrong is lying about what contribution you made to the content since almost all of it was not your content.

God is against lying and stealing. God also corrects those whom He loves. So, you will be muted from this community and blacklisted from OCD. Our Photography Lovers Community has rules of it's own and we specifically mention that not photos can be shared here unless they are your own or you are the model. We also mention citing and sourcing any text that isn't your own. If this community has those rules, which you chose to ignore on more than one occasion... Hive also would most likely not be too kind to those actions.

I'm sorry you chose this route to take but now you can deal with the consequences. You have a high enough reputation that you will most likely be able to recover from the downvotes that will come.

I would suggest that you check out two posts I made to help new users (which you are not) and based on how you chose to ignore the community rules and the Hive code of ethics I doubt you will actually apply and use the information as it was intended to help people from making such mistakes.

Once again, this was no mistake and you did this on purpose. So please don't act as if you had no idea what you were doing was wrong.

You broke two of the ten commandments, possibly more in your actions.

1 Peter 5:1 The elders which are among you I exhort, who am also an elder, and a witness of the sufferings of Christ, and also a partaker of the glory that shall be revealed: 2 feed the flock of God which is among you, taking the oversight thereof, not by constraint, but willingly; not for filthy lucre, but of a ready mind; 3 neither as being lords over God’s heritage, but being ensamples to the flock.


money, especially when regarded as sordid or distasteful or gained in a dishonourable way.


Since you decided to edit the images out of this post, I would suggest that you add your sources to the text that no longer applies to your images or change the complete text to your own original words.


You will stay muted in this community and others.