That's very kind of you to say! It has been a pleasure watching your Hive adventure. I would definitely say... always go with the model in that regard, obviously.
As for the etiquette.... it's different from community to community. Here, in Photography Lovers some tasteful and mild nudity is permitted without the need for the NSFW tag. Like, i think i recall a post you did a while back ago where the nipples were bared seen through mesh type shirt. I think you blurred or edited the nips. For that example, there was no censorship needed.
If you have a normal cover thumbnail and say one of your photos has some nips further down you can probably not use the NSFW tag. If it's nude silhouettes and other more artistic nudity you can probably skip the tag.
But it's always better to be safe than sorry. From what i have seen you don't have anything to worry about. But if you have full frontal nudity or things that are a bit more exotic or explicit definitely use the tag.
I would also suggest in such cases to put a mild shot for the thumbnail even if you use the Tag. I hope that helps explain a little.
I was always afraid with my art about nudity and how all that etiquette relates. hahahah
Have a great weekend browski!