
100%! I actually parked my car much earlier than planned so I could grab that shot.

In a similar vein, and in pretty much the same gothic script, is a residential buildling called "The Auld Schule Apartments" diagonally across the street from the outdoor ice cream parlor, which I initially assumed was Gaelic, but Google Translate tells me "auld schule" is German for "bad school". Perhaps there would be some rebellious street cred that would go with being able to say I live in "The Bad School Apartments"? Also, I'd be close enough that I could go for an ice cream cone in my housecoat and slippers while chain smoking. (I don't smoke anymore, but I'd make an occasional exception for the sake of appearances.) The locals would point, and whisper to each other, "You see what I was telling you about the Bad School Apartments?",-76.2917669,3a,30y,10.03h,97.38t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sXBwOoDXCLaN_pLciUZGGhA!2e0!7i13312!8i6656?hl=en