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RE: Allium giganteum - Zoom for Light Painting

in Photography Lovers6 months ago

You have some amazing talent and your photography is top notch. I would suggest that even if you can't post on your blog often to try and engage a bit more with other people's content and posts. That engagement will get you more support in the long-run. Thanks for sharing your shots with us here in the community!


Thank you @castleberry for your encouraging words. I had a bit of a tense few months so there was a lot less time and space for creativity. I used to have much more time for this than today. Hopefully next year I have a turnaround and can dedicate more time to my passion. I really want to keep the connections here .. yet not much energy to grow and build a community as I hoped. Time will tell. Cheers to everlasting change!

I have a teething 9 month old, am in the middle of moving, and two communities to run plus somewhat of a life as well. So, I feel you when you say you've been busy and haven't had as much time as you would have liked. That's why I suggested just a comment or two every now and then in between your creative posts. I appreciate you and your art and am thankful you share it here in our community. I love all the lightpainters and hope we all get more time and opportunity to share our work more often.
Take care and thanks for your response.