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RE: My Birthday on HIVE

in Photography Lovers2 days ago

Wow, Happy Belated 2nd Hive Birthday! Thanks for checking out this post and thanks in advance for when/if you check any of the others out! In fact, you are one of the people I referred to as 'newer users' when I mentioned connecting with some great people. It feels like I have known you for many many years already.

There were too many to mention by name... but most of them know who they are. It's been a pleasure to get to know you better through your content and our engagements back and forth from time to time.

Yes, those cards were a fantastic part of my childhood memories. I'm sorry you had to leave yours behind but I too couldn't bring mine from Texas to here in Sweden. It's part of why I scanned so many to try and digitally present and preserve them a bit. If anything... they are secure on the blockchain that I can come visit any time!

Thanks for enjoying the Spider-Man artwork as well. I liked your pun 'Amazing'... jajaja

My boy was born last October so this year has gone by in

Hive has and will always be about people. The money aspect just draws people in and it's a fun way to reward people for interaction and value for the content. After people get enough Hive Power and when they put in enough work... there is no problem to take some rewards out and use them for whatever you want and not take a hit on your account.

I see too many that liquidate all their rewards and they never really grow their account. Redistributing the rewards pool is one of the biggest advantages and privileges we get here. So the bigger we keep our vote the more we give out and the better our curation rewards are! It's a win/win/win when we consider the whole system and the big picture.

I was going to get a tablet and/or a new camera so I could make more and better content for Hive... but then baby happened. So, I had to put my toys on hold for now but it's nice to be able to benefit outside of Hive from the rewards we get after putting in the time and work to build up enough to not hurt my growth by taking some out from time to time!

I do hope you get something that will encourage you to create more and help you feel rewarded for your engagement and hard consistent work here on Hive! You are one of my favorite people here. Thanks for making Hive a better place with your presence! Cheers my dear friend.



Huge thanks! Thank you very much for those words! I like to work and always do my best, helping others. I have met wonderful people in this place, people like you. When I saw your first gifs you used with the Bob Ross image I couldn't believe it hahaha I've been subscribed to his YouTube channel for years! And I was saying this is totally crazy!

At some point I will bring some stuff from Argentina, the beginnings here have not been easy, it's like being born again with nothing but I'm happy!

Time goes by too fast, enjoy your son a lot, he is a blessing.

You know, I never had a camera.... I always take pictures with my phone haha so I'm very excited and when I get it I'll take pictures for you to see it!

Phone cameras are incredible these days, so never be down on yourself for phonephotography! I'm so glad you appreciated the Bob Ross gifs. He was such an amazing person. He left his mark on my childhood and I still love to check out his stuff anytime.

I'm sure your relocation has been very tough. I know getting here from Texas has been a rebirth of sorts. I will enjoy my son as much as possible since time does fly by so fast and because he is so lovable! hahaha

You are appreciated and your engagement with others has inspired me at times. I may not always comment or get involved in conversations... but it always makes me happy to see people I know engaging with other users I know. Some of your conversations have been super cool. I think wonderful people attract other wonderful people! Thanks again for always taking the time to make meaningful comments... especially, on my posts! hahaha


It's always great to get feedback from many of us, as well as to learn from each other!!!! Thank you always!💗💗💗
