My Birthday on HIVE

in Photography Lovers6 months ago

7 Years of my life on the BlockChain

I have spent roughly 16.667% of my life now on HIVE. That's pretty incredible if you ask me. I also want to point out that in that 7 year period, I have only personally posted 350 posts give or take a few. That compared to my comments, upvotes, and community activity, I have to say, is pretty outstanding on this platform!


I actually took almost a full year off of Steemit/HIVE at one point and came back to a HardFork and a whole lot of drama. I never would have imagined all of the drama that unfolded and created the space we all share now.

It's been a beautiful ride and many labors of LOVE! I would be much further along and bigger in account and reputation values had I not taken that time off. I also didn't optimize my use here to benefit. I have consistently from the beginning, tried to engage and help as much and as many as possible. The learning curve here for new users can be brutal. My goals have been to help those who didn't have the opportunity for advice like I would have wished for when I first started.

Then we also have to account for the addition of communities. This was something that should have been an original no-brainer... but I came back to a place that had a built-in text editor as well as communities. Up until my return to Hive from the forked chain Steem, there never had been communities or more fluid ways to integrate your own content with like minds and without having some coding knowledge. We only connected through hard work creating content and by following users and tags that had our interests aligned. Tags were all we had to connect and still.... #ihatetags.

I wanted to share some of my favorite content over the years with you all. I have been a big participant in the arts related to the classical arts, the modern digital arts, and photography in general. I've also been a participant in the curation, management, and culture of HIVE from a community level and then some.

A couple of my most successful posts have been tutorials explaining...

How To Get A Great Start on the Hive Blockchain

On Hive there is a lot of web3 etiquette and unspoken rules to adhere to. This can be difficult to navigate without help. So, I began a series I thought may help out the newer users and at times... even some of the more seasoned Hivers.

How To Get A Great Start on Hive 2

Many users still get useful information from those posts. I have been meaning to make a part 3 forever! Maybe that will be coming soon since so much has changed since both of those posts were shared to help everyone!

I also wanted to feature some of my favorite posts an images from my time on Hive. One of my favorite posts that I put a lot of study and research into was/is.....

What is CryptoCurrency

Ultimately, it didn't do so well as far as pay or rewards go... but the info was a primer for most people that have no idea what any of this crypto blockchain stuff means.

After My Own Heart

Some of my best content on Hive has been split between displaying image and written context. I have tried to make a good balance and have held myself to a standard that I don't think is realistic.

I have also shared my faith and content relevant to that as well.

Spiritual Warfare - Solutions & Strategies

A couple of my first NFTs before we had NFT Showroom on HIVE! Here is an artwork of Carnage from the Marvel/Spider-Man Universe. I was asked to be a beta tester for Maker's Place, an NFT platform built on the Ethereum blockchain.

In fact, my most successful NFT was the Amazing SpiderMan image you see below. I still have most of my pay from that image and I have to say it's been a feather in my cap of Web3 Inspiration!

Spider-Man - Original Artwork by @castleberry

Along the way of growing into who I have become here on HIVE... i have to give some credit to Taraz for delegating me some HP/SP back in the day that helped me get the voting slider before it was common practice to have one. Taraz and his bro have been pillars of the Hive community in general as well as good role models for how to conduct this thing we call life.

They say it takes a village to raise a child... and in this case, it took a lot of children to create the Hive village we see today! Thanks to Taraz for being the bully on the block that just wanted to make the block a better place for everyone!

This has always been a welcoming and amazing place to share my art! I am everso grateful for the opportunity to have profited from what I felt to be just an endeavor of something that I enjoyed. Art and all of it's forms has and will always be my passion. But to see that passion overlap with so many different displays of output has really inspired me in many different ways!


My primary focus has always been analogue and traditional art. Now, I get to add in the digital art to that list. It's been amazing to keep up with and participate in the inception of AI and it's influence over art. To watch AI make shitty art with 12 fingers per hand to now make an image that is almost indescernable from a real to life image... has been one of the most pinnacle moments of my life.

Giant Slayer

Posts With the Most

I have also had some gaming posts along with my photography that has been proportionally valued! I think this one below did well because of the nostalgia that it hit on and there was a cool history I uncovered in researching the gaming culture develop from my generation's perspective. It's still worth a read if you enjoy gaming or just video games in general!

Hive Gaming Community - MY Best Video Game Memories

Some of my posts have been a commentary on pop-culture from when I was growing up! Like the example below! I scanned each one of those cards to make an image.

Garbage Down Memory Lane

I also participated in many contests and challenges that stimulated my creativity along the way. I did color cutouts on paper to make the images below. You can click any of the blue links in this post to visit the old original posts and see in full what I am describing!

HiveGamingCommunity ~ Drawing Contest

Some of my photography posts have been taking shots of my artwork from different macro angles that present in a totally different way!

Expectant Agog : Orientations

I tried to go fish for old posts that I thought would be nice to check out without having to scroll through 7 years of posts. It was cool for me to take the proverbial stroll down memory lane.

The Feels....

Closing Thoughts

Being on Hive has been an amazing experience. I have been fortunate to have made many new friends from all over there world because of this opportunity. I don't think Hive is a place to just focus on profits and the potential financial aspects to the benefits of participating. I think more value is to be found in bonds and memories that are priceless!

I know many scammers have come and exploited the system here, I have had to deal with many of them when managing the communities! But I also don't think we would have too many people here who would just do it all for free if there was no monetary aspect to this gamification of social media either.

Everyone is entitled to do what they want with their rewards here and I respect that. But, I have also respected the system and community in these 7 years enough to have only done 2 powerdowns in my time here. Those were both to help pay for diapers and other essentials for my kid... who will turn 1 year old next month.

My Son of Thunder

It's been a crazy year to say the least... but it's also been an amazing 7 years of actualizing the opportunity.

It took a long time to grow considering many of my early posts averaged maybe about .30 cents. If profit and gain was my goal I would have walked away a very long time ago. I can say it's been nice to finally actualize some profits here because of my longterm approach to how I view Hive.

The Art of Life

I really feel like the core of users that have put in the most time, effort, and skin in the game (even if it wasn't money) are the users that set the best examples and have the best ethics when it comes to making this a place somewhere we all want to be. New users come in waves and over the years some of the newer users are the ones that I have connected with the most. Now, some of them are not new at all anymore and have outgrown me! hahaha

Inktober - Garfield

This October is going to be more special than usual. Hopefully, I will try to get a little ink put down this year! It's taken me 3 days to get this post across the finish line! So, happy belated Hive Birthday to me now! hahaha

I'm looking forward to seeing what the future has in store for us all here on the Hive Blockchain. It would also be super cool to go to HiveFest at least once in my life considering how that has just finished for this time around. How fast time moves and how slow I am to react or have the ability at times to respond is incredible.

Ok, before I start to rant or go too far off on my tangents and delay this post another 3 days... i will call this a wrap. Thank you for taking time to check out my post and read my meandering thoughts. A special thank you if you took the time to go see any of my old posts as well.

Thank you to everyone who has crossed my path here on Hive in the last 7 years! I hope for many, many more years of Hive experience to come for us all! Take care




I actually took almost a full year off of Steemit/HIVE at one point and came back to a HardFork and a whole lot of drama

been there done that 😂 I joined March 15, 2017 and took a long break before coming back after HardFork as well

My goals have been to help those who didn't have the opportunity for advice like I would have wished for when I first started

goal accomplished 😎

Your future is bright for you and your young family

Thank you for your kind words and for actually reading my post! I always appreciate it when the content is not just glossed over. I also appreciate your kind words. I really meant what I said about the help and advice part. I didn't realize how much it applies to outside of Hive as well. That same method will come in handy raising the kiddo!

Yes, I didn't realize you were that much older than me here on Hive. Those breaks can be killer... especially when you didn't know much to start with and then come back in the middle of a shit-storm. Glad the weather is looking much better now for the foreseeable future! Cheers SP

I can't believe it! On the 12th I turned 2 years old .... and the next day you turned 7 years old... woww... the truth is a pleasure to meet you and see this wonderful publication, no doubt I will go to see those publications where you explain so many things about Hive, sure I will learn a lot, because I always say that it is great to learn every day.

Two things caught my attention, one is the illustration of the spider man... amazing!!!! And the other one is the post about cards or figurines... my goodness... I used to collect the same ones!!! But in Spanish jajajaja me mori de risa when I saw them, they are great!!!! And they were left back in Argentina, I couldn't bring them all back, but I remember each one and how they fascinated me- I was so happy to travel back in time with you, it's cool every now and then!

Your son will already be one year old.... how long has it been! And it's true that it's not only about money, Hive, it's about people. You know? soon I will invest part of the money I earned here, which I never got anything out of, in material to improve my publications, like a camera and a phone... mine is 8 years old hahaha and I wanted a tablet.... you know what for! Let's see what I can do. I'm really looking forward to reinvesting the profits in more content and Hive!

Very happy birthday, congratulations from the heart!!!!

Wow, Happy Belated 2nd Hive Birthday! Thanks for checking out this post and thanks in advance for when/if you check any of the others out! In fact, you are one of the people I referred to as 'newer users' when I mentioned connecting with some great people. It feels like I have known you for many many years already.

There were too many to mention by name... but most of them know who they are. It's been a pleasure to get to know you better through your content and our engagements back and forth from time to time.

Yes, those cards were a fantastic part of my childhood memories. I'm sorry you had to leave yours behind but I too couldn't bring mine from Texas to here in Sweden. It's part of why I scanned so many to try and digitally present and preserve them a bit. If anything... they are secure on the blockchain that I can come visit any time!

Thanks for enjoying the Spider-Man artwork as well. I liked your pun 'Amazing'... jajaja

My boy was born last October so this year has gone by in

Hive has and will always be about people. The money aspect just draws people in and it's a fun way to reward people for interaction and value for the content. After people get enough Hive Power and when they put in enough work... there is no problem to take some rewards out and use them for whatever you want and not take a hit on your account.

I see too many that liquidate all their rewards and they never really grow their account. Redistributing the rewards pool is one of the biggest advantages and privileges we get here. So the bigger we keep our vote the more we give out and the better our curation rewards are! It's a win/win/win when we consider the whole system and the big picture.

I was going to get a tablet and/or a new camera so I could make more and better content for Hive... but then baby happened. So, I had to put my toys on hold for now but it's nice to be able to benefit outside of Hive from the rewards we get after putting in the time and work to build up enough to not hurt my growth by taking some out from time to time!

I do hope you get something that will encourage you to create more and help you feel rewarded for your engagement and hard consistent work here on Hive! You are one of my favorite people here. Thanks for making Hive a better place with your presence! Cheers my dear friend.


Huge thanks! Thank you very much for those words! I like to work and always do my best, helping others. I have met wonderful people in this place, people like you. When I saw your first gifs you used with the Bob Ross image I couldn't believe it hahaha I've been subscribed to his YouTube channel for years! And I was saying this is totally crazy!

At some point I will bring some stuff from Argentina, the beginnings here have not been easy, it's like being born again with nothing but I'm happy!

Time goes by too fast, enjoy your son a lot, he is a blessing.

You know, I never had a camera.... I always take pictures with my phone haha so I'm very excited and when I get it I'll take pictures for you to see it!

Phone cameras are incredible these days, so never be down on yourself for phonephotography! I'm so glad you appreciated the Bob Ross gifs. He was such an amazing person. He left his mark on my childhood and I still love to check out his stuff anytime.

I'm sure your relocation has been very tough. I know getting here from Texas has been a rebirth of sorts. I will enjoy my son as much as possible since time does fly by so fast and because he is so lovable! hahaha

You are appreciated and your engagement with others has inspired me at times. I may not always comment or get involved in conversations... but it always makes me happy to see people I know engaging with other users I know. Some of your conversations have been super cool. I think wonderful people attract other wonderful people! Thanks again for always taking the time to make meaningful comments... especially, on my posts! hahaha


It's always great to get feedback from many of us, as well as to learn from each other!!!! Thank you always!💗💗💗


Congrats on your birthday! That's an awesome accomplishment! I think I should be closing in on seven myself come January or something like that. It's been a crazy and fun ride so far!

I have to thank HiveBuzz for the reminder since I forgot and would have totally missed it! I saw some of our 'infamous' Dolphin School posts scrolling down to the bottom of my blog. Hahhaha

Happy early, early Hive Birthday! hahaha

Haha yeah, I can't remember the last time I scrolled that far down my feed!


Happy Hive Birthday @castleberry

I congratulate you wholeheartedly. You have a very relevant work and time, especially time in this place, which I consider precious. I agree with you that Hive is more than monetary rewards. I have had so many good moments in my short life here, which are worth much more than money.

Happy Hive Anniversary. 😉👏🏻

Thank you Nani! You were one of the people I referenced when I mentioned some of the 'newer' users! hahaha There were too many to name but I know a few that would probably realize that I was talking about them.

You are one of my favorite users to read when I have the time to give a post my full time and attention. I always enjoy your poetic way of seeing and expressing life. Never change and keep being you. I'm glad you are here and you make Hive a better place with your participation and attitude.

People are the point and rewards are just the bonus. I'm glad you figured that out early. There are people on Hive older than me that still haven't figured that part out.


Thanks for stopping by and taking the time to comment in such a meaningful way! Much love to ya!

Receive my hug, I'm blushing and speechless . Hahaha... truly, that's a great post you have done for your 7 years in the Blockchain. I loved seeing your favourite works.

Thank you for your kind words. 🌟

It's always nice to hear you think out loud (or via text I should say)... one never knows what will come out. I'm truly glad you enjoyed any of this or other posts. That always makes me happy to hear!

Happy Hive Anniversary, man! I hope your 8th year here will be the best one yet. I'll keep wishing you that every year. You're one of the good people I've gotten to know during my time here. All the best to you!

Hey, thanks brother! You too are one of the good folk here on Hive. I've appreciated you and our interactions very much over the years! Best wishes to you and your family and may this next year on Hive be our best one yet!
Cheers Browski

Thanks for sticking around for 7 years and making this place amazing 😍. I would have stopped blogging if it weren't for your involvement as Splinterlands curator and I hope you always uplift the little guys as you did with me when I was just starting here!

Happy 7th Hive birthday bro 🥳🎁!

Dude, that makes me super happy to hear! It's been a pleasure curating your art for so long. It's been my pleasure to watch your skills grow and develop thanks to Hive. I do always try to encourage genuine people to give it their best and to help them cultivate the better from within themselves!


I really appreciate you taking time to let me know the influence I had on helping you stick with things! You hanging around helped make Hive a better place as well. Your art is amazing and it's only going to get better! Keep up the great work and know that I appreciate you too my friend.

So happy to hear that 😊 and thank you so much for everything until now 🕊️.

📣 Happy 7th Hiversary! 📣

It's always an enjoyable read for me when you post here and this time is no exception. Taking a trip down memory lane with you was fun. Thank you all your contributions on Hive.

My seventh Hiversary was on May 28. I remember joining after TSU shut down when many former Tsuvians came to Steemit / Hive. Chuckled now as I think back how I had no clue how things worked and didn't create my first post for many months.☺️


Happy Belated Hive Birthday! I don't think most of us had any clue how all this works in the beginning. hahaha It's been a fun ride to learn and adapt along the way. Thank you for your curation over the years and for your engagement and contributions on Hive as well. I appreciate your kind words and I am very glad you enjoyed the post a bit. I really appreciate you stopping by and taking the time to comment and of course curate! Cheers

Congratulations Castleberry!
Yes, we have a special place here at Hive!
We keep going!

I didn't realize you were a bit older than me here on chain. That's super cool! I'm glad we carved out a special place for ourselves within this special place here at Hive! I appreciated you stopping by and taking time to comment!


Hey, I hadn't realise that you are "older" than me!

Happy hive birthday :)

Wow, i didn't realize that either! Your birthday is just around the corner. hahaha


Congratulations on your anniversary and I'm glad we're year colleagues. I wish you and your family good health and many happy years ahead with Hive.

Thank you so much for the wellwishes and kind words! I'm glad we are colleagues as well and it's been a pleasure to check out your content! Thanks for stopping by and taking the time to comment. Here is to many more happy years ahead for the both of us and many blessings to your family as well! Cheers


!BEERCongratulations @castleberry and welcome to the 7 year crowd. A long road, but so worth it.

Thanks! It has been quite the long road... and very well worth it! Thanks for stopping by and for your support. Cheers

What an epic post about the ups and downs of your time in the Hive Blockchain. It really felt like a rollercoaster ride, and I was going to give you some poetic feedback until I came across this image, and I forgot what I was going to say :D


Yes, i guess losing your train of thought is a sort of poetic justice! hahaha
It has been a roller-coaster but then so has life! It's what makes the ride fun perhaps. I will give you some time to collect your thoughts! hahaha


Congratulations and happy Hive-bday!
Mine is also getting closer by the day :)
Lovely to meet you!

Oh wow, we are quite close in Hive age! Happy early birthday in case I lose track of time. It's lovely to see you as well. I know in the years that I have seen you before but I appreciate you stopping by and taking the time to comment.

Happy HIVE anniversary 🥳🥳 to many more years!

Thank you so much! I appreciate you stopping by to comment and taking time to check out my post! Plus, I always love me some pizza!!!


You are welcome 😊
Happy to share them 🍕🍕🍕

Congratulations and thanks for your dedication and hard work!!!

You are very welcome and thank you for your kind words and for stopping by! I will be looking forward to seeing your next post soon hopefully! Cheers my friend.


Congrats on the level-up, veteran! I'm also 7 years old on the chain and the mix of emotions we have after seeing so much of the other world as well is unique. There are very few who remained around. So congrats twice!

Yes, congrats to you for sticking around too! Happy Early birthday. In that time we have met some incredible people and seen some amazing things and experiences from all around the world! It's also been fun to see your travels as well. Here's to many more years for us on Hive! Thanks for taking time to stop by and comment. I appreciate you.


Thanks so much! I fully agree with you. Seems like it's been a long time ago due to all the things that changed in the meantime but yet feels like the time flew away! Crazy!
Cheers from Romania! :D

Time is quite the mystery! Glad we get to discover that mystery together. Change has been the only constant! hahaha
Greetings from Sweden!

Congratulations on your birthday. I think mine will be in december.

Thank you! I'm glad we both made it this far! Hahaha
Here's to many more and happy early Hive Birthday to you.


Congratulations on such an important event, my friend.🙂😃

I just looked, my first post was published in January 2018... How long ago was that...

Thank you my friend! Yes, it's been a wild ride and I have to thank HiveBuzz or else I probably would have missed this birthday! hahaha

It seems you are just a couple of months younger than me so you are 6 going on your 7th birthday... but math isn't my strong suit so don't quote me. hahah


Congrats my friend🥳🚀😁👑⚡

Thank you very much buddy!

you are welcome ny friend☺😊

You have an interesting story during your time on the Hive Platform and can share your life experiences here. Happy birthday to you my brother

Thanks for stopping by and taking the time to comment! It looks like you are almost a year older than me on the blockchain! Wow. I'm sure you have an interesting story to tell also with all that time on Hive! Cheers


I recognize your pedagogical attitude towards beginners. HIVE is a complex universe, and it's very easy to fall into childish mistakes. Your role was, and is, extremely important for newcomers. Your altruism is to be commended.

I'm very grateful for your dedication to HIVE.

Thank you very much for your kind words and for taking the time to check out my post and comment! It's true that it's easy to make simple mistakes when a user first gets here and tries to figure all this complexity out. But, once it gets to be more understood it all becomes much easier and much more fun!
You have come a far way in a short time and I look forward to seeing more of your content! Cheers

Happy birthday - crazy to see how 7 years can fly by! I remember the 2017 bull run like it was yesterday!

Yes, i got to the crypto scene in a volatile time and I remember the whole roller-coaster of bulls and bears in the meantime. hahaha Time flies when you can't get off the ride! Thanks for dropping by and for taking the time to make a comment. Cheers

good times!
cheers! ;)
happy hive BD!


Thank you my friend! Here's to more hope and many more happy birthdays for us all!

Happy Cake day, Congratulations on your 7 years in the Blockchain, Thank you for sharing some guidance to newbies like us.

Thank you for stopping by and making the time to comment! I'm glad that my guidance has helped anyone out. Looks like you are out of the newbie category now to me! Keep up the great work and your seven year birthday will be here before you know it on Hive! Cheers


Hello @castleberry! Happy Birthday and thank you for your never ending kindness and for being our friend! Your baby is beautiful!

Thank you NATE and family! It's my pleasure to be friends with you all. Keep up the grat work and thanks for the Happy Birthday Wishes! I look forward to celebrating your birthdays with you moving into the future! Thanks for the appreciation for my baby's beauty. He gets more and more handsome EVERY day! hahaha

Happy birthday sir @castleberry Thank you for sharing your experience in the hive world, and I am so grateful to be able to learn a lot about hive especially I still need some knowledge from senior friends in the hive and from you 🙏☺

Check out the How To Get a Great Start on HIVE part one and two. They have a lot of tips in the posts and there were many question and answers in the comment sections as well. I hope they help you out in growing here. Thanks for stopping by and for taking the time to comment! Cheers

HBD 🥳 💪


Good evening and greetings. The appearance of the article is quite interesting.

I'm glad it interested you! Cheers

Okay, thank you my brother.Greetings also to.

Good Morning Hello GIF by UpStudiosWorld


BEERHey @castleberry, here is a little bit of from @katerinaramm for you. Enjoy it!

Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking your BEER.


$PIZZA slices delivered:
(5/10) @littlebee4 tipped @castleberry (x2)

BEERHey @castleberry, here is a little bit of from @papilloncharity for you. Enjoy it!

Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking your BEER.

How did you come up with this calculation

16.667% of my life now on HIVE

Is there an exact formula to know the amount of time spent here?

I just found the percent of what 7 years is of my life. Of course, I wasn't on Hive all day everyday for the 7 years... so it's probably much lower than 16.6% of my life on Hive, technically ON Hive. hahaha Thanks for asking.