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RE: 📷 Dolphins in the Red Sea

What an incredible experience @sharker! When I was in the middle east (on the Red Sea) we missed the dolphins. But I remember those magnificent creatures of the sea growing up on the South Coast of SA. I did lifesaving and often there were the dolphins, surfing the waves a short distance away. Breathtaking. Thanks to @joanstewart for the reblog of such a special post!


Swimming and playing in the water, body surfing with dolphins in the waves an amazing experience! Excellent photography here I love the second photo, dolphin looks like it's smiling.

It does! And she probably is!

It does! And she probably is!

By far an experience one will never forget!

Oh yeah! I'm glad you liked the post :)
Wow, being a lifeguard sounds so cool! Did the dolphins come very close to you?

Closer than the sharks at least! They would get pretty close but still a safe distance. We soon realized that they were actually forming a protective wall around us and those more distant sharks

It's really very good that the sharks were farther away than them :) Very interesting about the protective wall - I didn't think they can (and want to) do that.

Dolphins have that incredible protective instinct - even towards humans!