photographer's instinct, at the right moment when the flowers were more willing to create and accentuate that fascinating and magical harmony that can only be given when man appreciates, enjoys, cares and merges with nature.The photographs are exquisite dear @litguru, they draw the moments in all their splendor. Subtly revealing that they have been taken, by the camera lens and the
However, beyond the great photographic work, I would like to highlight the beautiful poem that your publication becomes as your words describe the private rites that give life to this fabulous festival.
Thank you for this very creative comment @bravofenix. I have to admit the flowers do all the work because they're amazing and inspiring. And you're right, you have to be there at the right moment. I went last year hoping to catch a glimpse of them, but the petals had already fallen. I got lucky this time because I followed the music when I was just out for a stroll. :)