in Photography Lovers3 years ago (edited)

I had to buy some stuff in the shopping mall today. Since there are no shopping malls in my hometown, I drove to the nearest city.


The night was cloudy, there was a bit of fog at dawn, but at this point of the morning, the weather was getting clear and sunny.


The sunlight was pretty inspiring so I stopped about five kilometers from the city ...


... in the place by the road with a good view of the suburbs ...


... and the fields & groves in between the city and the town in which I live.


The powerlines are usually only a nuisance in the landscape, but in this case, they provide a backbone to the composition, and they kind of hold the picture together.


The most prominent building in this photograph is the general hospital. The tall cranes behind it are part of the shipyard.


This shot was taken with the zoom on maximum.


I took two more photographs with the camera pointed in direction of my hometown ...


... caught a bit of mist by the road ...


... and continued towards the city.


Soon I reached the shopping mall, and when the shopping was done, I decided to take a couple of shots from the parking lot.


Little lamps were hanging in clusters from the rooftop ...


... and the stars were staring at me from the storefront window.


In these two photographs, I caught the man who was working around the decorative plants on the small roundabout in between two large parking areas.


One of the houses across the street was busy expelling the smoke through the chimney ...


... the Christmas lights were rhythmically flashing ...


... and that's it.


Shopping malls, parking lots, and suburbs are some of the most boring things that a city can offer, so I consider myself lucky with these modest findings.


Before driving away, I spent a minute or two watching the shifting shapes made by the smoke.


On the way back I stopped in the same place five kilometers from the city. From there I had five more kilometers to my hometown. The place is situated right in between the two. The sunlight was slightly more subdued this time. It was a minuscule change. Nothing worth mentioning. But I mentioned it nonetheless because I don't know what else can I say to make the post a bit longer.


Here I zoomed a bit more.


This smoke was photographed at the entrance of the town in which I live ...


... just before the first houses. Someone was burning the autumnal foliage.



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The photos you shared are just remarkable and beautiful. I must say, even if I take seven births, I will not be able to complete traveling the places on Earth. Haha..thank you for sharing your part of the story. Also, I wish you a very Happy New Year. Many many happy returns of the New Year. Hope you have a great year ahead! :)

Thank you. 😀 Yes, there is plenty of stuff to see on this planet. And even the same things look different in different weather conditions, and then things also change through time 🙂 it's a neverending story. Have a great 2022.

Cool cityscape shots. Sretna Nova Godina! :)

@tipu curate

Šťastný nový 2022. 🙂 Sve najbolje, have a great year.

Hvala i isto tako :)

In the area where I live, it is forbidden to burn foliage under the threat of a fine.
I liked the variety of the morning landscape photos, and the stars and Christmas lights colored them.

I don't know what is the situation here with foliage. I think that people are allowed but have to inform the local firefighter department. Something like that.

The city is so densely populated that it can be seen from the photo, but I am curious about the activities in the city there. 😄🤗🤗
Have a great day :)

Great shots, always interesting to see different places and their architecture.

have enough time to see the beauty of the surrounding nature, a dream that always crosses my mind