Brightfull Day To Play Around

in Photography Lovers13 days ago

Hello Everyone

Yesterday I had a promise of meeting an old friend for spesific purpose about the preparation activity that we are going to do as soon as possible. By waiting of my friend woke up from his bed, I look around for a good view to capture and share into our beloved platform and community. The sun was shining bright as you can see on my next following picture. Before that, I will little bit talk about the school student's girls that suddenly appeared and get into the frame of my camera. They were about to have some sport activity in the sport centre area next to my homestay.

The natural habit of children are playing wherever they are. Either stormy or sunny, you may not stop them for playing around. Play refers to a variety of intrinsically motivated voluntary activities that are usually associated with pleasure and enjoyment. By doing this activity, the quality of mind will be in good engagement with their point of view. Playing is also believe goes along with children well development in their life.

Play can consist of playful, pretend or imaginary interactions between individuals and with themselves or toys. In the following pictures, you gonna see a little girl pretending to walk like a soldier. That little girl first waited her school friends then walk in an army style. Her imagination could be say as an evident throughout the world and can be seen in humans, particularly in the cognitive and social development of those involved in the children developmental process.

Samsung-SM A52sPhotography