Hive Meetup In Novi Sad

Hive Mini Meetup :)

@ph1102 took the initiative to try and organize a Hive meetup while he is on vacation in Serbia. We did talk last year that we could meet while they were here but it didn't happen. This year he set the date early so there was time to organize.
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There were indications that there will be around 10 people but in the end it was Hive Fest people (we met at Hive Fest Amsterdam) + @mipiano :)

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I was late :) i don't like to be late, but i am not a morning person, i miscalculated the time needed to get to Novi Sad, traffic and i even missed the street. But at least they were in the shade in a cafe :)

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@hp1102 expressed some hopes of good meetup photos from my side 😁 no luck there.

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Got busted in this candid shot in the park. Guy kinda ruined a sweet photo 😁

stole this one from @mipiano

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I think it was too hot for taking photos. I have non from the Petrovaradin fortress. I was just happy drinking lemonade in AC cooled restaurant and talking with the group. I have 1 photo from the Pasent restaurant in Sremski Karlovci. Restaurant is pretty big and looks really nice. A lot of details, could spend few hours taking photos, but talking was more fun.

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I thought there is a beach next to the restaurant. But there is just a small boat pier where people take boats to go to a beach.

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So ph1102 cousin decided to take us on the walk to a Sremski Karlovci center. This is in the newly made train underpass. I bet the designer thought it was an wonderful idea. i also bet he never owned a plat in his life.

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Hive Amsterdam bag still going strong.

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When you get to the center of Sremski Karlovci you can see that this town, of now 9000 people, was pretty important in history by just looking at the architecture. And they did a pretty good job of keeping the buildings in a good shape.
I don't know much about it, and a lot of it i forgot, so here is an AI take on it, looks pretty accurate :D

Sremski Karlovci played a crucial role in Serbian history for several reasons:

  • Spiritual and Cultural Center: It served as the seat of the Serbian Patriarchate from 1769 to 1920, making it the religious and cultural heartland of the Serbian people during the Ottoman occupation.

  • Education and Enlightenment: The Patriarchate established schools and seminaries in Sremski Karlovci, fostering education and promoting Serbian national identity. It became a center of Serbian intellectual and cultural life.

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  • Diplomatic Hub: Due to its strategic location, Sremski Karlovci was a significant diplomatic center. The Karlovci Peace Treaty (1699) was signed there, marking the end of the Austro-Turkish War and recognizing the Habsburg Empire's control over parts of Serbia.

  • Symbol of Resistance: The city represented Serbian resistance against the Ottoman Empire and later the Austro-Hungarian Empire. It was a place where Serbian intellectuals and politicians gathered to discuss strategies for national liberation.

  • Birthplace of Modern Serbia: Many important figures in Serbian history, such as Dositej Obradović and Vuk Stefanović Karadžić, were associated with Sremski Karlovci. Their work contributed to the development of modern Serbian language, literature, and culture.

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Kinda like this photo :)

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8 hours flew by, @ugochill had to catch a train from Novi Sad, @ph1102 and @mipiano had a trip home (Serbian home) in front of them and they dropped me in the Novi Sad center where i had my car parked.

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After a short consideration, as the only thing i had planed till the end of the day is getting home, i decided to roam the Novi Sad center a bit more.

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To be honest i think street photography is boring for non photographers. It is a lot of stopping, waiting, nothing happening, looking around... and that is why i don't like taking photos in a group of non photographers. It always feels like everyone is always waiting for you :D

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I don't do a lot of street photography, especially people photography. Living in a small place where "everyone" knows you, street photography is not that fun, as half of them would probably came over to say hi.

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So i still don't feel really comfortable with street people photography. That is probably a reason for so many delivery guys photos, they somehow feel public 😂

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Street performers could be interesting to photograph, could be boring, but what caught my eye was the place where he decided to sit.
The sign can be translated as "Discount up to 40% on segment of the collection"

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It started getting dark. Canon 5D classic was not happy with the dark. So i took this last photo and went on my way home.

It was fun to catch up with some Hive people. I will see @ph1102 at Hive Fest (hopefully), @mipiano and @ugochill maybe next year in Serbia. Maybe we could make @liberlandpress to accept HBD at their Ark festival and have a meetup with HBD payments 😂


Fantastic photos! I knew that you would do a great job despite the hot weather and grey sky... Love those HIVE logos around Novi Sad and Sremski Karlovci... and that cross in the hand is also a great catch!

So happy to hear that you had a lot of fun and enjoyed the meetup! I know that I did!

Thanks for sharing the photos and the story!

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Thanks, and thanks for taking the time to organize it.

i forgot how to place things in Photoshop so had a small tutorial practice :D

So, after your post I better don't even consider posting my report 😂 How beautiful photos 🤩 .
The Hive cloth bag is still going strong, yes, that + person is proudly carrying it everywhere, not just on meetups 😇

It was a pleasure to meet you in person, @bil.prag!

i am sure you have more photos from the meetup :D in some of the photos quality is not so important, it is the memory :)

the other one is super blurry :D

It was a pleasure, glad i didn't miss it :)

the other one is super blurry :D

Those are the perfect ones 😜

Hahaha, I have many photos indeed 😂 even with people with improvised hats 😁

i was hoping there is no photo of my fashion statement on hats :D

kidding, practicality (and not burned skin) over fashion :)

Great photos mate :)
Great seeing you, was a lovely day and untill next episode.

Thanks. Could have taken few more from the meeting but it was more fun to hang out :D

8 hours went fast. see you somewhere :D

THats so awesome that you guys got to meet up and hang out for a bit. Great photos. I would love to visit Serbia one day.


Only if plane tickets were not so crazy. it makes no sense to go to Europe for less than 15+ days. you did go around some bits of Europe after Hive Fest in the before time if i remember correctly.

You all took great photos
I’m glad the mini meetup was reasonable and enjoyable
Wish you well!!!

Successful Mini Hive Meetups. You took many beautiful pictures which are memories of that day

it was a fun day

I’m glad the mini Hive meetup was a success
Have fun!

These are very beautiful photos from a seasoned photographer. Stree photography is something I find very interesting because it presents you with real faces, real people, no deceptions... 😁