Just Blue Doors

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Door and scooter

When on my travels, I've always been a bit intrigued by the amount of blue doors I've spotted in towns and villages in other countries. It's not really something we see in England. But then I guess that most of the countries that have an abundance of blue doors are those with much warmer climates than the UK.

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Near symmetry

These images are from Tunisia, Morocco, Greece and Turkey. But I've seen them in Spain, Egypt and Kenya. I'm sure they are equally prevalent in other countries I've visited, but that was before I became fascinated by them.

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On Facebook, I'm a member of a group called The Dull Men's Club" and this post would probably be right at home there. But I'm sticking with it here, in the hope that people out there also like images of blue doors.

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When is a door not a door...

Obviously, when its ajar. Sorry I couldn't resist adding that age old "joke". I've asked in different countries and searched on line why there are so many blue doors and have never once found an answer that I firmly believe is the definitive explanation. I've been told that its due to:

  1. A way of keeping homes cool
  2. For religious reasons
  3. To match the colour of the sea
  4. To repel mosquitoes and scorpions (as the colour matches the colour of the sea)
  5. To stop the spread of disease

And now because they appeal to tourists. I'm not sure which of the above (or others) or a combination of some of the above is the actual reason, but they are something different to photograph, so I won't lose anymore sleep over the reason.

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Multi doors

This final shot is a composite of about a third of the blue door photographs I have. So there may be another post somewhere down the line.

Thanks for stopping by, it's always very much appreciated.


About me:

I can mostly be found shooting models, aviation, motorsports and, when I can, wildlife. But I enjoy most aspects of photography. You can find more of my work on the links below.


Social Media

Instagram - Second Account


