Towards the sunset

in Photography Lovers4 years ago

Time moved towards evening. Winter days are always short. Didn't have time to have breakfast, it was already noon, did not have time to dine, and it was getting dark outside the window.
This means that if you want to photograph something, you need to hurry up a little.


Время двигалось к вечеру. Зимние дни всегда короткие. Не успел позавтракать, уже полдень, не успел пообедать, а за окном начинает темнеть.
Это значит, что если хочешь что-то пофотографировать, то надо немного поторопиться.



I wanted to go out on the ice of the lake. But first there were some obstacles to overcome. They were nice.

The sun was on the side of the lake. I was moving towards him. It shone on me like a beacon.
When backlit, Helios-44-2 sometimes produced an interesting effect in the form of rays.



In order not to overload the post, I will show the rest of the photos on the lake later.

CameraSony A7М2
Post productionin LR

Manual processing in Lightroom

Unless otherwise specified, the text and photos are mine

From Russia with Love




Прекрасный закат!

... а какой холодный...- 15С :)

Ну это видно)
У нас вчера к примеру, было +2 дождь, туман, а сегодня проснулся от завывания ветра, и бац - 11...

чудит погода))

Не то слово)

очень теплые фото, хоть и зимние)

закатный свет обманчив)) его тёплые тона да, по фото есть ощущение тепла и уюта. В реале мне тоже было тепло до испарины, но я много двигался. Вначале хотел в заснеженный лес податься, но потом передумал и рванул без дороги к озеру))


Thanks :)

I see there is love in your photos, sir @bambuka. I love seeing snow, but I have never seen it for real, only see snow on TV and so on. 😅 It is a gallery of beautiful pictures! Creative greetings from me. By @cincin-macro

Привет @cincin-macro
Glad to see you and thank you for your kind words!
I think that there is simply no snow at the latitude of your country. While it flies to the ground, it turns into a downpour :Р
Living in Russia I love snow. This is a special feeling and experience :)

😁❤️ In Indonesia, there is no snow, but if the weather is extreme, it may just be a storm or heavy rain. Indonesia is a tropical country. But, I love to see your photos in your posts. Best regards from me, @cincin-macro.

But Indonesia has a lot of beautiful insects, flowers and sun :Р
I like your photos)

I have a lot of snow now and I am ready to share it with you @cincin-macro :)
There will be many more posts with winter landscapes, ice, snow

Wow, that's exciting news for me Sir @bambuka. I love the natural scenery filled with snow. And I'll always be listening to your blog about ice, snow, and sunrise or sunset.

Maybe, if I were in Russia, I would take pictures of flowers covered in snow, using a macro lens that I have. That would be awesome. 👍🍷


When we have snow, there are usually no flowers. You can, of course, take flowers from home and sprinkle them with snow :Р
By the way, an interesting idea! :)

Cheers! аnd !BEER

Hahaha 😅👌 If I shoot flowers by sprinkling snow, surely I can .. but where should I get snow .. 😁🍷

@bambuka denkt du hast ein Vote durch @investinthefutur verdient!
@bambuka thinks you have earned a vote of @investinthefutur !

Hey @cincin-macro, here is a little bit of BEER from @bambuka for you. Enjoy it!

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Рада бы уехать в тёплые края, но как подумаю...как я без нашей зимы и лесов?)

в тёплых краях хорошо гостить, отдыхать. Но дом наш тут, на северах))

Thank you for your kind words @jaynie!
I focus on photographs of nature, travel sites, people.
Your community rules involve talking about products, shopping, food. I usually pass these topics. Although sometimes I do it when it corresponds to the task of the competition, for example.
I will try to look for something, but I do not promise constant participation :)

I try to take any suggestions seriously
Therefore, I answer them in essence :)
Glad you like my job @jaynie