It is not enough to find mushrooms in the forest. They need to be brought home, cleaned and prepared. Today I found one old mushroom folder and am sharing my trophies with Photography Lovers.
After all, today we have #FungiFriday!
Мало найти грибы в лесу. Их нужно принести домой, почистить и заготовить. Сегодня я нашёл одну старую папку с грибами и делюсь своими трофеями с Photography Lovers.
Ведь сегодня у нас #FungiFriday !
My basket was not full that day. But there was something interesting about her. I usually peel and sort mushrooms in my kitchen. There is a table, a knife and water in the tap. What else is needed ... patience.
В тот день моя корзина не была полной. Но кое-что интересное в ней было. Обычно я перебираю грибы на своей кухне. Там есть стол, нож и вода в кране. Что ещё нужно...терпение.
Several forest photos. These forest corals didn't make it to my basket.
Несколько лесных фотографий. Эти лесные кораллы не попали в мою корзину.
And here is a small dining room for snails. For them, it may be big.
А вот небольшая столовая для улиток. Для них может быть и большая.
These beauties I also did not allow to my basket. I don’t think they wanted it. Here our desires coincided.
Этих красавцев я тоже не допустил до своей корзины. Не думаю, что они сами этого хотели. Здесь наши желания совпали.
But I always collect chanterelles. This is a very healthy mushroom. Plus, he's rarely wormy. I mentioned earlier that this mushroom is medicinal. I do not subject it to heat treatment so that it does not lose its useful properties.
А вот лисички я собираю всегда. Это очень полезный гриб. К тому же, он редко бывает червивым. Я уже упоминал раньше, что этот гриб является целебным. Я не подвергаю его термообработке, чтобы он не потерял своих полезных свойств.
To do this, I simply lay out the chanterelles cleared of forest debris on wooden boards and dry them. Before use, I grind them into powder and take a teaspoon each with warm water.
Для этого я просто раскладываю очищенные от лесного мусора лисички на деревянные доски и высушиваю. Перед употреблением я размалываю их в порошок и принимаю по чайной ложке запивая тёплой водой.
If the chanterelles are in the ground or sand and do not clean themselves, they have to be washed with water. But I try not to.
Если лисички в земле или песке и не очищаются, их приходится мыть водой. Но я стараюсь этого не делать.
Happy Fungie Friday to you!
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Camera | Sony A57 |
Lens | 1.4 35 |
Location | Russia |
Post production | in LR |
Manual processing in Lightroom
Some beautiful specimens... :) Always like shots of the gills....
Thrilled to see that snails' dining room! :D
Glad to see you and thank you for your kind words and support!Thanks for stopping by @ackhoo :-)
How beautiful are the chanterelles.
And not mushroom related, but the knife you have in the first photo is so interesting. Vintage or just looks like a vintage one?
Thanks for stopping by :-)
Glad to see you and thank you for your kind words!
This knife was a simple kitchen knife with a broken handle. Friends gave it to me. I made a knife handle from the tip of a deer antler. More than 20 years have passed since then, so this knife can be considered vintage :D
More than 20 years + you made the handle from deer antler 👌 Vintage, definitely :D
It is not yet known how long the knife served until its handle broke ...: D
That's a plus in value :)
... not for sale ...: D
nice bro! :)
Interesting wood cut plates for the chanterelles. I envy those boletes you find.
I use these cuts to dry mushrooms and herbs.
They absorb excess moisture.
Maybe if you dry oysters on them they would start growing out of the drying boards eventually.
I will try to dry other mushrooms on these boards - tinder fungi :D
I always wondered if tinder fungi could be turned into an interesting wall shelf, the problem is finding a big and flat enough one. Your interesting root carvings would go well on one of these.

This tinder fungus can definitely make a shelf. True, I wanted to eat it))
Great decoration, but how do the mushrooms attach to the wall?
You just need the right hardware some kind of slide on clip

beautiful captures, I can almost smell the wood fragrance of the fungies... ! 😍
Thanks for stopping by :-)
Glad to see you and thank you for your kind words!
It seems that you can be attributed to the kinesthetic type of people, visual images activate the sense of smell. It is wonderful :)
Haha yes indeed, I can rely to my nose for recalling experiences, that is quite handy 😁
In order to understand something, the kinesthetic has to feel it.
I think it's about you :)
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