Portrait Theme Winners!

We had some really awesome entries in the Portrait theme this past week. Thank you to all that shared photos in this one. So many cool shots from all over the world.
Professional First Place @coloneljethro

Professional Second Place @bil.prag

Professional Third Place @deadgrlsuppastar

Amateur First Place @seriouscrocodile

Amateur Second Place @richgaynor

Amateur Third Place @pixaroma
New Theme - Action Shots

This week's theme is Action Shots. It isn't really a "sports" theme but is open to all types of action shots. Sure, sports can be included, but if you want to get creative with your shutter speed and freeze time to capture a super fast object, or go the other way with it and go with a slower shutter speed to show the speed of something against the background, that would work too. It should be pretty interesting to see how everyone interprets this theme.
How is the Photography Lovers Contest set up?

The contest is broken up into 2 different tiers. Each will have a different rewards for the winners based on what tier you enter into.
Here is a breakdown of the rewards based on the tiers:
Place | Professional | Amateur |
1st | 5 Hive | 4 Hive |
2nd | 3 Hive | 2 Hive |
3rd | 2 Hive | 1 Hive |
Each contest will be open for submissions for 6 days and close on the 7th day so that winners can be picked and the new post can be made.
There will be a new theme announced each week and the themes are going to be a bit different than the traditional themes. The goal of the themes are to challenge your skill as a photographer and force you to think outside the box to get some really interesting photos.

How to enter

When you enter a photo in the competition, you will state what tier you want to be judged in and locked in for the month at that level.
For example if you enter a photo, you drop the photo in the comment section, state what level of photographer you are, and then give a description of the photograph.
That's pretty much it, drop your main photo in the comment section of this post and state your tier. If you want to make a separate post for your entry as well, that is fine, but for your entry to be valid, your photo and tier must be in here in the comment section of this post. You are also encouraged to join the Photography Lovers Community and make your post to the Photography Lovers Community.
Additional Notes

If your post has more than one photo in it, make sure to use the photo you wanted judged as your main photo for your post.
Only one submission per contest. Extra submissions will be ignored.
You can switch your tier ONE time per month, but only if you are moving up into a higher tier, for example if you are currently in the amateur tier, but you think that you have a photograph that you want to enter in the professional tier, you can state that you are changing your tier to professional. You will then be locked into the new tier for the remainder of the month. You are not able to move down to a lower tier, like going from amateur to the beginner tier.
If you do not state which tier you want to be judged in for the month, I will leave a comment to remind you to do so, but if you don't respond, you will be assigned to a tier and locked in for that month.
Plagiarism will not be tolerated in any form. All submissions must be your own work. I will investigate every entry and if you are caught plagiarizing, you will be blacklisted from competing in my competitions and blacklisted in the community.
Thank you!

Thank you for being a part of the Photography Lovers Community here on Hive. We are looking forward to seeing your entry for this contest.
This is my entry,
In the Galapagos Islands of Ecuador, despite the human presence, the animals are not afraid of us, for example in Tortuga Bay these little birds called Darwin's finches approached me as soon as I took out my sandwich and they began to dispute the crumbs, in the end everyone ate and left in peace.
I might be late but since there is not winners nor new topic yet, I will still submit mine.
PRO tier.
Better late than never. That's a really good action shot!
Exactly! Thanks.
Damn, many thanks! Congrats to all the other winners!
Thank you 😊🏆 congrats to all winners
Thanks and congratulations to everyone else.. great and amazing entries!!!! ❤
Hello, thank you for holding the contest, I take this opportunity to congratulate the winners and wish them a happy week.
This is my photo, with which I want to participate in the Amteur category was captured with the camera of the cell phone Huawei Honor 8s and in the image you can see an old lady holding several logs of wood.
The image shows that this lady in spite of her age has strength and much, she is 90 years old and she is my beautiful grandmother, she has a senile memory, she loses track of time and the names of her relatives.
She plays with those logs, and moves them from one place to another, I imagine remembering when she was young and her life in the country.
If someone tries to remove the wood because it is heavy, she gets upset, she was and is an active and strong person.
Thank you for reading my words, this is a small tribute to my grandmother, a woman of strong character, a fighter and a worker.
Thank you, until next week.
Awesome winner shots and great new theme. Looking forward to all the Entries. Here is mine.
Tier: Amateur
My congratulations to the winners!
This photo was taken in the night Sevastopol this summer. Nightlife is no less intense than daytime. In a way, even more. People, cars, music and the sea. But the sea is not visible from this point, there is only its smell. Long exposure shot Sony A7M2 / Samyang 1.4 35
Это фото сделано в ночном Севастополе летом этого года. Ночная жизнь не менее насыщена, чем дневная. В некотором смысле даже больше. Люди, машины, музыка и море. Но моря с этой точки не видно, есть только его запах. Снято на длинной выдержке Sony A7M2 / Samyang 1.4 35
At first congratulations to the last week's winners.
Interesting theme this week Wes...
You gave me a lot of work, but I managed to put together a decent collection which can be seen here.
As usual, I am adding 3 Hive to the winners (2 Hive Pro & 1 Hive Amateur) as a tip.
This is my entry:
Here my entry, this photo was taken after a walk in El morro, Lecheria, Venezuela.
The immensity that in spite of having abrupt movements is seen in total calm, an immensity that makes you fall in love.
Category: Amatteur
This picture was shot at water view, in Ilorin , kwara state Nigeria, i love the concept, the look in her eyes and the environment as well as the water.
My entry for this contest:
(Amateur) https://peakd.com/hive-194913/@bluepluto/photography-lovers-contest-action-shots
heres my entry... amateur,
soloturk f18 display
Hello everyone.
This is my picture.
Category: Amateur
It was taken at the Rio Verde Dam, Edo. Guárico, Venezuela. I love it because you can appreciate the movement of the water, left behind by the dingui.
Chasing fairies in my garden 😊🧚 amateur tier
Here is my entry for the Amateur tier:

Hello ! this is my enty !
In this picture, some street children are playing in a roadside puddle on a hot summer noon. (Amateur)

This is one of my close friends in Byron Bay we call him Evil Knievel he has a heart of gold and a heart with no fear he performs the most maddest dare devil stunts on his skateboard that would make you hair stand up tall he makes it look so easy but it's so dangerous you need precision , timing and balance to perform these dare devil stunts he is just amazing to watch.
Tier - Amateur