These are snacks from Spain I saw on the first day there. Did not try all of them or even most of them, but I did try some. The ones I tried were very good (and mention them when they come up), but I will just be showcasing the ones I saw on this day. Hope you enjoy!
I wanted to try this M&M one, but I never saw it anywhere after this. I did not get it, because it was at the airport, and for those of you that have used one, you know how much they overcharge everything....
I actually tried those Tex-mex Doritos. They were good, they had a slight difference in taste to nacho doritos.
This was good man. If you like chocolate, and Oreos. It is a chocolate bar stuffed with Oreo. It is definitely worth trying.
I tried the York`eso ruffles. They were very good man. It is like eating a ham sandwich I believe. Those 3D lays are honestly just Bugles, so if you like bugles you will like those 3D lays. The Jamon Ruffles are alright to me, but my family liked them, so give them a try if you are curious.
Most of these look interesting, but I did not try them. Some of them are things you would find in the USA anyway though.
Honestly not sure if these are exclusive to Spain. I know the original and Sour cream and onion ones are not exclusive. I can`t speak for the others though.
Never seen a Nesquik bar before. Looks like it could be good.
Yum. That is all.
Pink Panther?!?
If any of you are from Spain, and had these delicious snacks before let me know. I would be interested in hearing from you. Next post will be more about the stuff I saw while there. Hope you look forward to it!
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Super Delicious, no doubt about it, however, they all are called "The Cholesterol Palace" can you guess why?
Because they have cholesterol?