It is amazing how many wonderful things around us we overlook. My friend often says to me, but where did you take that picture? I tell her where we always walk... she says.... I never saw it...
Being aware of our surroundings makes us see beautiful things, and phone apps can help us see them differently too.
Great @steemflow 😀
the red jelly like fruits gets my attraction...and on googling i found out it is not an ordinary plant have so many usage,....but here no onne value them....just let them grow in the wild, infact they use the bushes to cover the that no anumal get inside..because of spikes (thorns)
I understand, it's always interesting to know a little more, they are beautiful anyway!
Thanks you....learning few photography at your pics...I liked all your Malaga pic
I'm also learning, especially close-up photos... I like photography!
Just like me...😉
You learn everything in life one step at a time.
Better not to make mess....So it is the easiest way