In a hidden corner... harmony and beauty.

To know how to look and observe is what leads us to discover wonders on our way.


Many times we walk and stroll without really looking around us, not only at the streets but also at people, things, buildings, nature, art and much more.

Writing this I remember that many times a friend of mine says to me, but where are those pictures from... and I tell her about such and such a place. Then she answers me that she didn't see it, but there it was.

I usually take different paths every time I go out, I like to know new streets, places, to explore.

Many times in the middle of a path there is a step that leads somewhere else, and this is what happened when I dared to follow a different path. I found a small space where magic, beauty and nature with art materialised.




Before me a semicircle that contained too much magic. Everything was in conjunction, there was nature, a beautiful water fountain sculpted in marble, the water symbolising life, the sun illuminating it perfectly and the life brought by the birds.

It was around 17:30 in the afternoon and the sun was streaming through the trees surrounding this hidden place. Those strong rays made the spectacle even more beautiful.

I remember having a student who, although she was 65 years old, was amazed by the little things in life, like this one I am showing you. I don't know if it was her innocence or her purity of soul that she saw beauty in everything.

I think I can now see what she saw, as if there had been some change in me several years ago.


I took advantage of the fact that there were no people sitting in the place, nor in the surroundings to take several shots with different approaches and of course wait for a pigeon to land on the fountain in search of vital water.

On some occasions I was lucky, because I don't direct the pigeons, they do what they want.


On one occasion, although a little far away, I was able to catch one of them who was very tired from his journey, he told me, and needed a moment to take a rest on one of the seats surrounding the fountain. On the sunny side, of course, to warm her feathers.



I also took the opportunity to take in the surroundings of this beautiful place, which by the way is within a large park.


The sound of the falling water was music in the middle of this natural environment. In addition to the street lamps, I love water fountains, whatever style they are. They move the water which is good energy in motion and that has a deep meaning for me.



There was also a lot of art in the place, look at that fountain how beautiful it is, but also the accompanying seats with their decorations on both sides.

Of course the special atmosphere was provided by all that art, plus the life of the water surrounded by the different shades of green of the vegetation.


I thought... how often do we pass by paths, without really looking and miss details like this, but not only in a park, but in life in general. Paying attention to the why or what for of things is what explains much better every event, every path and every beauty encountered.

Applies to findings in nature, situations, details, moments, people... if we look well we can find beautiful things everywhere.

Thank you all for watching and reading this far. I wish you all a very good Sunday, until next time.

All photographs are my own.

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BEautiful shots! Thanks for sharing the serenity!

The details of life count and finding small spaces like this are great. Thank you very much!🤗

🎉 Upvoted 🎉
👏 Keep Up the good work on Hive ♦️ 👏
❤️ @bhattg suggested sagarkothari88 to upvote your post ❤️

Thank you so much @hivecurators and @bhattg 😃

Hi @avdsing, on this occasion I don't see much merit in saying that you see beauty everywhere: that place is very nice and I loved the ceramics I saw. Thank you very much for this wonderful five o'clock walk.

Enjoy a great Sunday @avdesing.

The ceramics are beautiful and there are fountains everywhere, I love that! Thank you very much, have a nice Sunday!😃

👋 hasta mañana!!😃

Chaoo hasta mañana!!!🤣

I loved that fountain. The place looks so fresh... I imagined the sound of the water.

You're right, details matter. 🤗

In addition to the street lamps I am fascinated by water fountains and there are many of them here! Thank you! Nice Sunday!😃

It's true, people are increasingly immersed in their own things and no longer observe their surroundings when walking. I would say that it is almost common to visit a place and see many things that you have missed, that is why every time you visit a place it is a new experience, dear friend @avdesing
Beautiful photographs. Enjoy a beautiful Sunday

These simple experiences make all the difference in life. Thank you very much always!😃

Hello @avdesing good afternoon
This place has beautiful places to visit and enjoy being close to nature
They are fans of fountains and this one is really beautiful

I am fascinated by water fountains and there are plenty of them here! Thank you!😃

A natural photo, a very quiet and interesting place of course