The Macrophotographs of a sleeping Beetle

in Photography Lovers11 months ago

Hello, my friends, photography lovers.

I am glad to meet you again and I want to share this joy.

We have real warm days in our city. It has been a long time since there was such a warm end of April. Anyway, I can't remember the last time it was this hot.

Nature reacts sensitively to such warming. Of course, everything has already turned green and blossomed. Apple and pear trees are in bloom, cherries have faded. Lilac bushes will bloom soon. The grass is already full of yellow dandelions.
Insects are also waking up. And now, in the evenings, the low hum of "May" beetles is heard in the air.

And although, judging by their name, these insects should appear in May, they have already woken up and started doing their own things, But in the evenings the air is still cool, and the earth has warmed up a little. Therefore, at night these beetles are looking for a warm place to sleep.

This evening, one of the "May" beetles decided to spend the night on our balcony. He sat down on the edge of the frame on the outside of the glass, clung tightly to the hardware with his paws and fell asleep.
The sun was already near the horizon, but its rays were still falling on our balcony.

They perfectly illuminated the sleeping insect. She must have had pleasant dreams. Meanwhile, I took out a lens for macro photography.

My wife said that I was risking a lot by sticking the cameras out on the other side of the window, but otherwise it was impossible to photograph the beetle. But what interesting detailed shots turned out!

The beetle seems to be covered with thick fur. It seems that in such a vestment you can sleep in the snow and not freeze!

The paws of the beast, consisting of individual elements, are also clearly visible. The paws end in claws. With such claws, you can cling very tightly to any surface. Because I'm not worried that at night, in a dream, a bug will fall down.

Let's wish him a good night's sleep and a wonderful tomorrow!

Camera: Samsung Galaxy A32.


Excellent macrophotographs! Was the bug snoring? ;)

No, I didn't snore)))

nice shots. great detail

Thanks for your comment @eolianpariah2!